40 years ago, Dr. Tuomo Suntola and his group demonstrated the growth of ZnS thin films in alternating, saturating gas-solid reactions. This initiated the development of Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) in Finland and gradually led to industrial and academic activities worldwide. The famous patent on Atomic Layer Epitaxy (FIN 52359) was filed on November 29, 1974. (from http://www.vtt.fi/news/2014/events/12_5_to_19_8_2014.jsp)
"40 Years of ALD in Finland: Photos, Stories” organizers in front of the finalized posters, Dr. Riikka Puurunen and Dr. Jaakko Niinistö (Picture from Twitter, Riikka Puurunen @rlpuu).
Celebrating the round years, the Academy of Finland’s Finnish Centre of Excellence on Atomic Layer Deposition, led by professor Markku Leskelä of the University of Helsinki, is organizing an exhibition: “40 Years of ALD in Finland: Photos, Stories”. Initially, the exhibition was organized for the international Baltic ALD conference, May 12-13, 2014, Helsinki (http://www.aldcoe.fi/bald2014/). The main organizers of the exhibition have been Dr. Riikka Puurunen (VTT) and Dr. Jaakko Niinistö (University of Helsinki).
The exhibition material can be viewed at:
- VTT, Micronova, Tietotie 3, Espoo (Mon-Fri 8:00 - 16:30), from May 12 to August 29, 2014 and
- University of Helsinki, Chemicum, A.I. Virtasenaukio 1, Helsinki (Mon-Fri 7:45 - 19:00), from August 15 to October 15, 2014
There is also information out there that the Exhibition will travel to Japan for the ALD conference. Stay tuned. :-)
A new technique for fabricating high-quality epitaxial oxide thin films on amorphous substrates such as glass has been developed by Japaneese reserachers from University of Tokyo, Kanagawa Academy of Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency and National Institute for Materials Science. The new manufacturing method called lateral solid-phase epitaxy, could help realise applications of oxide-based thin film devices. This is especially interesting for large scale production of flexible electronics on foil or large glass substrates used in e.g. display technology. The results has been published in ACS Nano (abstract and supporting information below).
ACS Nano, Article ASAP, DOI: 10.1021/nn501563j, Publication Date (Web): May 27, 2014
Pictures from graphical abstratct (ACS Nano).
Abstract: We developed a technique to fabricate oxide thin films with uniaxially controlled crystallographic orientation and lateral size of more than micrometers on amorphous substrates. This technique is lateral solid-phase epitaxy, where epitaxial crystallization of amorphous precursor is seeded with ultrathin oxide nanosheets sparsely (≈10% coverage) deposited on the substrate. Transparent conducting Nb-doped anatase TiO2 thin films were fabricated on glass substrates by this technique. Perfect (001) orientation and large grains with lateral sizes up to 10 μm were confirmed by X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and electron beam backscattering diffraction measurements. As a consequence of these features, the obtained film exhibited excellent electrical transport properties comparable to those of epitaxial thin films on single-crystalline substrates. This technique is a versatile method for fabricating high-quality oxide thin films other than anatase TiO2 and would increase the possible applications of oxide-based thin film devices.
[ACS Nano free Supporting information] An alkaline-free glass substrate sparsely covered with Ca2Nb3O10 nanosheets was prepared by the same process described in the main text. Amorphous SrTiO3 (STO) precursor films were fabricated on the unheated substrate by pulsed laser deposition (PLD) with a single crystalline STO plate target. Partial oxygen gas pressure (PO2) was set at 10−3 Torr during the deposition. A 1-nm-thick STO secondary seed layer was also fabricated by PLD at TS = 400 °C prior to the deposition of the precursor film. The precursor film was crystallized by post-deposition annealing at 600 °C for 1 hour under H2 atmosphere (1 atm) in an infrared image furnace. After the annealing, the crystallographic structure and orientation of the film were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements with a two-dimensional area detector. Figure S1a shows the θ-2θ XRD profile of the STO thin film fabricated on a glass substrate by NS-LSPE with the 1 nm-secondary seed layer. Only 100 and 200 diffraction peaks with spot-like shapes were recognizable, which indicates perfectly (100)-oriented growth of STO, as expected from good lattice-matching with Ca2Nb3O10 nanosheets (−1.0%). In contrast, in case of STO film fabricated directly on bare glass by solid phase crystallization, only Debye rings of 110 and 200 diffractions from randomly oriented grains were observed (Fig. S1b). These results verify the versatility of the NS-LSPE technique for oxide thin films other than TiO2.
Figure S1. θ-2θ XRD profile of STO thin films fabricated on glass substrate (a) by the NS-LSPE and (b) by conventional solid phase crystallization without nanosheets. The corresponding two dimensional area detector images are also shown. [ACS Nano free Supporting information]
Nanowerk News report today on "Caltech researchers at the Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) have devised a method for protecting these common semiconductors from corrosion even as the materials continue to absorb light efficiently. The research, led by Shu Hu, a postdoctoral scholar in chemistry at Caltech, appears in the May 30 issue of the journal Science" (Abstract below)
Abstract: Although semiconductors such as silicon (Si), gallium arsenide (GaAs), and gallium phosphide (GaP) have band gaps that make them efficient photoanodes for solar fuel production, these materials are unstable in aqueous media. We show that TiO2 coatings (4 to 143 nanometers thick) grown by atomic layer deposition prevent corrosion, have electronic defects that promote hole conduction, and are sufficiently transparent to reach the light-limited performance of protected semiconductors. In conjunction with a thin layer or islands of Ni oxide electrocatalysts, Si photoanodes exhibited continuous oxidation of 1.0 molar aqueous KOH to O2 for more than 100 hours at photocurrent densities of >30 milliamperes per square centimeter and ~100% Faradaic efficiency. TiO2-coated GaAs and GaP photoelectrodes exhibited photovoltages of 0.81 and 0.59 V and light-limiting photocurrent densities of 14.3 and 3.4 milliamperes per square centimeter, respectively, for water oxidation.
The Joint Center for Artificial Photosynthesis (JCAP) is the nation's largest research program dedicated to the development of an artificial solar-fuel generation technology. Established in 2010 as a U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Energy Innovation Hub, JCAP aims to find a cost-effective method to produce fuels using only sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide as inputs. JCAP brings together more than 140 top scientists and researchers from the California Institute of Technology and its lead partner, Berkeley Lab, along with collaborators from the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, and the University of California campuses at Irvine and San Diego. (Youtube.com)
As reported by Applied Materials: SANTA CLARA, Calif., May 28, 2014 - Applied Materials, Inc. today introduced the Endura® VenturaTM PVD system that helps customers reduce the cost of fabricating smaller, lower power, high-performance integrated 3D chips. The system incorporates Applied's latest innovations to its industry-leading PVD technology that enables the deposition of thin, continuous barrier and seed layers in through-silicon-vias (TSVs). Demonstrating Applied's precision materials engineering expertise, the Ventura system also uniquely supports the use of titanium in volume production as an alternate barrier material for lower cost. With the launch of the Ventura system, Applied is expanding its comprehensive toolset for wafer level packaging (WLP) applications, including TSVs, redistribution layer (RDL) and Bump.
"Ventura provides a less expensive barrier for copper, as well as the copper seed layer necessary for the subsequent through copper plating process itself. Typical copper interconnects on-chip are very very small -- on the order of 50 nanometers -- but TSVs are much larger -- on the order of 50 microns. Ventura can safely address aspect rations of TSVs ranging from typical TSVs today of 5-to-1 to those of the future of 10-, 11-, and even 12-to-1 aspect ratios. The Ventura tool can also handle traditional tantalum liners for TSVs as well as the more cost-effective titanium TSV liners, before depositing the copper seeds for the eventual polished interconnect itself. Applied materials also claims twice the throughput of competing PVD interconnect tools, and says it has already shipped 30 Ventura chambers in the last 18 months" (Source EE Times)
TSVs are a critical technology for vertically fabricating smaller and lower power future mobile and high-bandwidth devices. Vias are short vertical interconnects that pass through the silicon wafer, connecting the active side of the device to the back side of the die, providing the shortest interconnect path between multiple chips. Integrating 3D stacked devices requires greater than 10:1 aspect ratio TSV interconnect structures to be metallized with copper. The new Ventura tool solves this challenge with innovations in materials and deposition technology to manufacture TSVs more cost-effectively than previous industry solutions.
Applied Materials' Sesh Ramaswami discusses the fundamentals of advanced packaging and the revolutionary impact this technology is having on the gadgets we buy and the cloud infrastructure that makes mobility work. (Youtube.com)
"Building on 15 years of leadership in copper interconnect technology, the Ventura system enables fabrication of robust high-aspect ratio TSVs, with up to 50 percent barrier seed cost savings compared to copper interconnect PVD systems," said Dr. Sundar Ramamurthy, vice president and general manager of Metal Deposition Products at Applied Materials. "These innovations deliver a higher-performance and more functional, yet, compact chip package with less power consumption to meet leading-edge computing needs. Customers are realizing the benefits of this new PVD system and are qualifying it for volume manufacturing."
Supporting the manufacture of high-yielding 3D chips, the Ventura system introduces advances in ionized PVD technology that assure the integrity of the barrier and seed layers that are critical to superior gap-fill and interconnect reliability. These developments significantly improve ion directionality to enable the deposition of thin, continuous and uniform metal layers deep into the vias to achieve the void-free fill necessary for robust TSVs. With the improvement in directionality, higher deposition rates can be achieved, while the amount of barrier and seed material needed can be reduced. These attributes of the Ventura system and the adoption of titanium as an alternate barrier are expected to improve device reliability and reduce the overall cost of ownership for TSV metallization.
Picosun reports that they now offers new industrial ALD processes for copper and niobium oxide using the 2nd generation of the Picohot™ 300 source system.
Ultra-thin copper films with the highest level of uniformity and conformality only ALD can offer as a thin film deposition method are a crucial element in today’s and future’s microelectronics and MEMS (microelectromechanical sensors) manufacturing. Copper metallization and seed layers are needed in e.g. microprocessors and 3D-integrated microelectronic components as interconnects. Niobium oxide (Nb2O5), on the other hand, is ideal for moisture and corrosion protection due to its hardness and chemical resistance.
The now developed low temperature (below 150 °C) thermal ALD processes for niobium oxide and copper have been enabled by Picosun’s newest generation of precursor source design. The 2nd generation of the Picohot™ 300 source system allows even lower vaporization temperatures and efficient, uniform distribution of the precursor vapor in the reaction chamber even at low substrate temperatures.
“Our new processes for copper and niobium oxide show again the excellent quality of Picosun’s precursor source design, allowing true ALD processing also on thermally sensitive materials such as plastics and piezoelectrical elements. On several of Picosun’s main market areas such as MEMS, microelectronics, and corrosion protection, these processes further solidify our status as the leading solution provider of the thin film coating needs of today’s industries,” states Juhana Kostamo, Managing Director of Picosun.
Picosun’s highest level ALD thin film technology enables the industrial leap into the future by novel, cutting-edge coating solutions, with four decades of continuous, groundbreaking expertise in the field. Today, PICOSUN™ ALD systems are in daily production use in numerous prominent industries around the globe. Picosun is based in Finland, with subsidiaries in USA, China, and Singapore, and a world-wide sales and support network.
RWTH Aachen fabricate ferroelectric hafnium oxide with a remnant polarization of >13 μC/cm2 by chemical solution deposition - to be specific - a yttrium-doped hafnium oxide films on platinum electrodes. This work opens up opportunities for applications using a thicker ferroelectric material than for ALD films at about 10nm that has been developed recent years by NaMLab and Fraunhofer IPMS-CNT.
Abstract: Ferroelectric hafnium oxide films were fabricated by chemical solution deposition with a remnant polarization of >13 μC/cm2. The samples were prepared with 5.2 mol. % yttrium-doping and the thickness varied from 18 nm to 70 nm. The hafnium oxide layer was integrated into a metal-insulator-metal capacitor using platinum electrodes. Due to the processing procedure, no thickness dependence of the ferroelectric properties was observed. To confirm the ferroelectric nature of the deposited samples, polarization, capacitance, and piezoelectric displacement measurements were performed. However, no evidence of the orthorhombic phase was found which has been proposed to be the non-centrosymmetric, ferroelectric phase in HfO2.
Dr. Tuomo Suntola, has shared his opening presentation "From ideas to global industry" from the recently held Baltic ALD conference, May 12-13, 2014, University of Helsinki [thanks Riikka for sharing].
BALTIC ALD, May 12-13, 2014, University of Helsinki
(some snapshots form the presentation that I find especially interesting, follow the link for the complete presentation)
In late 1973 instrumentarium Oy was searching for new challenges. 1.1.1974 a research unit headed by Tuomo Suntola was formed and The Proposal was given to the board by Dr. Tuomo Sunola: "Let´s develop an electroluminicent flat panel display...nobody has done it yet"
The famous picture of Sven Lindfors, today Chief Technology Officer and a Member of the Board of Directors of Picosun.“We had numerous unsuccessful test runs behind us. Dr. Tuomo Suntola knew that in order to proceed, we needed to advance from using pure chemical elements to an exchange reaction based on carrier gases and sulphides,” says Sven Lindfors, at the time working as a key technician for Dr Suntola’s team. (Source Picosun Newsletter : http://www.picosun.com/binary/file/-/id/3/fid/79/).
Introduction of high-k materials by ALD in the semiconductor industry for DRAM Capacitors and MOSFETs and the contribution of ALD to the learning curve to keep up with Moore's Law.
Follow this link for an overvie on his work concerning Atomic Layer Deposition and thin film devices. The page includes articles, books patents, and conference presentation material from Dr. Tuomo Suntola. ranging back to the early 70s: http://www.sci.fi/~suntola/ald.html
Additional ALD presentations given by Tuomo Suntola in the last 10 years that can also be downloaded from this page:
A very interesting fresher than fresh PhD Thesis from Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden on the Integration of thulium silicate for enhanced scalability of high-k/metal gate CMOS technology. The ALD processing in this work has been preformed in a Beneq TFS 200 ALD system - a crossflow-type 200mm hot-wall reactor. The public defense will take place on 27 May 2014 at 10.00 a.m. in Sal D, Forum, Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Isafjordsgatan 39, Kista. - Best of luck!
Left, the process flow and right a TEM cross-section of the TmSiO/HfO2/TiN gate stack implemented in gate-last MOSFETs. (From the thesis below)
Abstract: High-k/metal gate stacks have been introduced in CMOS technology during the last decade in order to sustain continued device scaling and ever improving circuit performance. Starting from the 45nm technology node, the stringent requirements in terms of equivalent oxide thickness and gate current density have rendered the replacement of the conventional SiON/poly-Si stack unavoidable. Although Hf-based technology has become the de facto industry standard for high-k/metal gate MOSFETs, problematic long-term scalability has motivated the research of novel materials and solutions to fulfill the target performances expected of gate stacks in future technology nodes. In this work, integration of a high-k interfacial layer has been identified as the most promising approach to improve gate dielectric scalability, since this technology presents the advantage of potential compatibility with both current Hf-based and plausible future higher-k materials. Thulium silicate has been selected as candidate material for integration as interfacial layer, thanks to its unique properties which enabled the development of a straightforward integration process achieving well-controlled and repeatable growth in the sub-nm thickness regime, a contribution of (0.25 ± 0.15)nm to the total EOT, and high quality of the interface with Si. Compatibility with industry-standard CMOS integration flows has been kept as a top priority in the development of the new technology. To this aim, a novel ALD process has been developed and characterized, and a manufacturable process flow for integration of thulium silicate in a generic gate stack has been designed. The thulium silicate interfacial layer technology has been verified to be compatible with standard integration flows, and fabrication of high-k/metal gate MOSFETs with excellent electrical characteristics has been demonstrated. The possibility to achieve high performance devices by integration of thulium silicate in current Hf-based technology has been specifically demonstrated, and the TmSiO/HfO2 dielectric stack has been shown to be compatible with the industrial requirements of operation in the sub-nm EOT range (down to 0.6nm), reliable device operation over a 10 year expected lifetime, and compatibility with common threshold voltage control techniques. The thulium silicate interfacial layer technology has been especially demonstrated to be superior to conventional chemical oxidation in terms of channel mobility at sub-nm EOT, since the TmSiO/HfO2 dielectric stack achieved 20% higher electron and hole mobility compared to state-of-the-art SiOx/HfO2 devices at the same EOT. Such performance enhancement can provide a strong advantage in the EOT-mobility trade-off which is commonly observed in scaled gate stacks, and has been linked by temperature and stress analyses to the higher physical thickness of the high-k interfacial layer, which results in attenuated remote phonon scattering compared to a SiOx interfacial layer achieving the same EOT.
Researchers at University of Colorado at Boulder, Brookhaven National Laboratory, and Seoul National University, has shown that a Al2O3 coating deposited by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) dramatically reduces the degradation in cell conductivity and reaction kinetics of commercially available cathode material used in today's state-of-art Li-ion batteries, lithium nickel–manganese–cobalt oxide Li[Ni1/3 Mn1/3Co1/3]O2 a.k.a. NMC.
According to the researchers the use of NMC cathodes for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and electric vehicles (EVs), have not been possible so far because of:
limited power performance (rate capability)
degradation in their capacity and cycle-life at high operation temperatures and voltages
The researches have developed a new durable ultra-thin Al2O3-ALD coating layer that also improves stability for the NMC at an elevated temperature. Furthermore, the experimental results suggest that a highly durable and safe cathode material enabled by atomic-scale surface modification can meet the demanding performance and safety requirements of next-generation electric vehicles.
The University of Colorado Boulder (also commonly referred to as CU-Boulder, CU, Boulder, or Colorado) is a public research university located in Boulder, Colorado, United States. It is the flagship university of the University of Colorado system and was founded five months before Colorado was admitted to the union in 1876. According to The Public Ivies: America's Flagship Public Universities (2001), it is considered one of the thirty "Public Ivy League" schools. (Source: Wikipedia, Picture : The Campus of University of Colorado Boulder, http://www.colorado.edu/).
The work has been funded by by National Science Foundation (USA), Department of Energy (USA), and Ministry of Knowledge Economy (KOR).
Results have been published in the article below in the Journal of Power Sources:
Ji Woo Kim, Jonathan J. Travis, Enyuan Hu, Kyung-Wan Nam, Seul Cham Kim, Chan Soon Kang, Jae-Ha Woo, Xiao-Qing Yang, Steven M. George, Kyu Hwan Oh, Sung-Jin Cho, Se-Hee Lee
Journal of Power Sources, Volume 254, 15 May 2014, Pages 190–197
Abstract: Electric-powered transportation requires an efficient, low-cost, and safe energy storage system with high energy density and power capability. Despite its high specific capacity, the current commercially available cathode material for today's state-of-art Li-ion batteries, lithium nickel–manganese–cobalt oxide Li[Ni1/3 Mn1/3Co1/3]O2 (NMC), suffers from poor cycle life for high temperature operation and marginal rate capability resulting from irreversible degradation of the cathode material upon cycling. Using an atomic-scale surface engineering, the performance of Li[Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3]O2 in terms of rate capability and high temperature cycle-life is significantly improved. The Al2O3 coating deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) dramatically reduces the degradation in cell conductivity and reaction kinetics. This durable ultra-thin Al2O3-ALD coating layer also improves stability for the NMC at an elevated temperature (55 °C). The experimental results suggest that a highly durable and safe cathode material enabled by atomic-scale surface modification could meet the demanding performance and safety requirements of next-generation electric vehicles.
ASM International, one of the leading suppliers of ALD equipment for the semiconductor market has recently updated its web appearance. There are a number of videos that give insights in how ASM and the employees are innovating in the Semiconductor ALD market. And don´t forget - the best page for all Pulsar fans - The switch is on: http://asmtheswitchison.com/.
Tanja talks about the Thermal Products business unit and how being ‘fast, first and the best’ with ASM innovations like Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) inspires her.
Tanja, Senior Product Director
“I expect innovation from everyone.” Suvi who is recognized, globally, as a pioneering expert in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) gives us an insight into her world.
Suvi, Executive Scientist
Doug explains about marketing Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) technology and the benefits of working at such a diverse, global company like ASM.
MIT News reports - Now researchers at MIT and the University of Michigan have come up with a way of producing graphene, in a process that lends itself to scaling up, by making graphene directly on materials such as large sheets of glass. The process is described, in a paper published this week in the journal Scientific Reports, by a team of nine researchers led by A. John Hart of MIT. Lead authors of the paper are Dan McNerny, a former Michigan postdoc, and Viswanath Balakrishnan, a former MIT postdoc who is now at the Indian Institute of Technology.
The new work, Hart says, still uses a metal film as the template — but instead of making graphene only on top of the metal film, it makes graphene on both the film’s top and bottom. The substrate in this case is silicon dioxide, a form of glass, with a film of nickel on top of it.
Using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) to deposit a graphene layer on top of the nickel film, Hart says, yields “not only graphene on top [of the nickel layer], but also on the bottom.” The nickel film can then be peeled away, leaving just the graphene on top of the nonmetallic substrate.
This way, there’s no need for a separate process to attach the graphene to the intended substrate — whether it’s a large plate of glass for a display screen, or a thin, flexible material that could be used as the basis for a lightweight, portable solar cell, for example. “You do the CVD on the substrate, and, using our method, the graphene stays behind on the substrate,” Hart says.
Read all details about this new approach to manufacture sheets of graphene in the open access Scientific Reports article below.
a) Process schematic, indicating Ni grain growth during annealing in He, followed by graphene growth under CVD conditions, and then removal of Ni using adhesive tape. Photos of substrates (~1 × 1 cm) and delaminated Ni films in case of b) ex situ tape delamination after graphene growth and c) in situ delamination during the graphene growth step. In the latter case the Ni film retains its integrity upon delamination and is moved to the side using tweezers after the sample is taken from the CVD system. (picture and caption from article below)
Scientific Reports, Volume: 4, Article number: 5049, DOI:doi:10.1038/srep05049, Published
Abstract: We demonstrate direct production of graphene on SiO2 by CVD growth of graphene at the interface between a Ni film and the SiO2 substrate, followed by dry mechanical delamination of the Ni using adhesive tape. This result is enabled by understanding of the competition between stress evolution and microstructure development upon annealing of the Ni prior to the graphene growth step. When the Ni film remains adherent after graphene growth, the balance between residual stress and adhesion governs the ability to mechanically remove the Ni after the CVD process. In this study the graphene on SiO2 comprises micron-scale domains, ranging from monolayer to multilayer. The graphene has >90% coverage across centimeter-scale dimensions, limited by the size of our CVD chamber. Further engineering of the Ni film microstructure and stress state could enable manufacturing of highly uniform interfacial graphene followed by clean mechanical delamination over practically indefinite dimensions. Moreover, our findings suggest that preferential adhesion can enable production of 2-D materials directly on application-relevant substrates. This is attractive compared to transfer methods, which can cause mechanical damage and leave residues behind.
Nanotechweb.org reports that Researchers in the US have unveiled a new CMOS-compatible technology to integrate different two-dimensional materials into a single electronic device. The team, led by Tomás Palacios of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, constructed large-scale electronic circuits based on graphene and molybdenum sulphide heterostructures grown by chemical vapour deposition where MoS2 was used as a transistor channel, and graphene as contact electrodes and circuit interconnects. The fabrication process itself might be extended to fabricate heterostructures from any type of 2D layered material with potential applications in flexible and transparent electronics, sensors, tunnelling FETs and high-electron mobility transistors.
Demonstration of a novel technology for constructing large-scale electronic systems based on graphene/molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) heterostructures grown by chemical vapor deposition.
Lili Yu, Yi-Hsien Lee, Xi Ling, Elton J. G. Santos, Yong Cheol Shin , Yuxuan Lin, Madan Dubey, Efthimios Kaxiras, Jing Kong, Han Wang, and Tomás Palacios
Nano Lett., DOI: 10.1021/nl404795z Publication Date (Web): May 8, 2014
Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) materials have generated great interest in the past few years as a new toolbox for electronics. This family of materials includes, among others, metallic graphene, semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenides (such as MoS2), and insulating boron nitride. These materials and their heterostructures offer excellent mechanical flexibility, optical transparency, and favorable transport properties for realizing electronic, sensing, and optical systems on arbitrary surfaces. In this paper, we demonstrate a novel technology for constructing large-scale electronic systems based on graphene/molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) heterostructures grown by chemical vapor deposition. We have fabricated high-performance devices and circuits based on this heterostructure, where MoS2 is used as the transistor channel and graphene as contact electrodes and circuit interconnects. We provide a systematic comparison of the graphene/MoS2 heterojunction contact to more traditional MoS2-metal junctions, as well as a theoretical investigation, using density functional theory, of the origin of the Schottky barrier height. The tunability of the graphene work function with electrostatic doping significantly improves the ohmic contact to MoS2. These high-performance large-scale devices and circuits based on this 2D heterostructure pave the way for practical flexible transparent electronics.
"The biggest problem with designing load-bearing supercaps is preventing them from delaminating," said Westover. "Combining nanoporous material with the polymer electrolyte bonds the layers together tighter than superglue."
Andrew S. Westover, John W. Tian, Shivaprem Bernath, Landon Oakes, Rob Edwards, Farhan N. Shabab, Shahana Chatterjee, Amrutur V. Anilkumar, and Cary L. Pint Nano Lett., DOI: 10.1021/nl500531r, Publication Date (Web): May 13, 2014
Abstract: A load-bearing, multifunctional material with the simultaneous capability to store energy and withstand static and dynamic mechanical stresses is demonstrated. This is produced using ion-conducting polymers infiltrated into nanoporous silicon that is etched directly into bulk conductive silicon. This device platform maintains energy densities near 10 W h/kg with Coulombic efficiency of 98% under exposure to over 300 kPa tensile stresses and 80 g vibratory accelerations, along with excellent performance in other shear, compression, and impact tests. This demonstrates performance feasibility as a structurally integrated energy storage material broadly applicable across renewable energy systems, transportation systems, and mobile electronics, among others.
As reported today by Sean Nealon, UC Riverside, Researchers at the Univ. of California, Riverside have developed a novel nanometer scale ruthenium oxide anchored nanocarbon graphene foam architecture that improves the performance of supercapacitors, a development that could mean faster acceleration in electric vehicles and longer battery life in portable electronics.
Read the full story here in the R&D Mag or check out the original OPEN ACCESS publication bellow:
Abstract: In real life applications, supercapacitors (SCs) often can only be used as part of a hybrid system together with other high energy storage devices due to their relatively lower energy density in comparison to other types of energy storage devices such as batteries and fuel cells. Increasing the energy density of SCs will have a huge impact on the development of future energy storage devices by broadening the area of application for SCs. Here, we report a simple and scalable way of preparing a three-dimensional (3D) sub-5 nm hydrous ruthenium oxide (RuO2) anchored graphene and CNT hybrid foam (RGM) architecture for high-performance supercapacitor electrodes. This RGM architecture demonstrates a novel graphene foam conformally covered with hybrid networks of RuO2 nanoparticles and anchored CNTs. SCs based on RGM show superior gravimetric and per-area capacitive performance (specific capacitance: 502.78 F g−1, areal capacitance: 1.11 F cm−2) which leads to an exceptionally high energy density of 39.28 Wh kg−1 and power density of 128.01 kW kg−1. The electrochemical stability, excellent capacitive performance, and the ease of preparation suggest this RGM system is promising for future energy storage applications.
(a) Schematic illustration of the preparation process of RGM nanostructure foam. SEM images of (b–c) as-grown GM foam (d) Lightly loaded RGM, and (e) heavily loaded RGM. (Source : article above)
Check out the performance in this Ragone plot - Woah - pretty high energy density material!
(a) EIS plots and (b) high frequency region EIS plots of GM, RGM, a control sample (RuO2 nanoparticles only), respectively. (c) Ragone plot related to energy densities and power densities of the packaged whole cell RGM SC, GM SC, RuO2 nanoparticles SC, hydrous ruthenium oxide (RuO2)/graphene sheets composite (GOGSC), RuO2 nanowire/single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) hybrid film. (Source: articlew above)
ITRS 2013 Emerging Research Devices (ERD) Chapter has been updated on ferroelectric devices (page 13) referring to recent development using ferroelectric hafnium oxide.
From Page 12 : Notably, since 2011, ferroelectricity in a variety of doped and polycrystalline HfO2 has been reported. The HfO2 based FeFETs show promising write speed (down to a few ns), retention (projected to 10 years), and endurance (up to 1012), which all match the best performances of its perovskite counterparts (refer to ERD4a). [65,66,67,68,69], and HfO2-based FeFETs have been fabricated using standard high-k metal gate (HKMG) processes. The use of HfO2-based ferroelectrics significantly reduces the physical thickness of the gate stack, and in turn scales down the channel length to the current technology node [70]. Follow the typical HKMG process, SiO2 serves as the buffer layer between HfO2 and Si with a sub-nanometer thickness, yielding low depolarization field.
"In Ferroelectric FET memory, a ferroelectric dielectric forms the gate insulator of an FET. The main concern on FeFET memory lies in operation reliability. Operational reliability of the FeFET RAM is limited by the time dependant remnant polarization of the ferroelectric gate dielectric reflected in retention loss. Control of the ferroelectric-semiconductor interface is critical for FeFET properties. The scalability of FeFET memory beyond the 22nm generation is uncertain"
As a comparasion to RRAM, one of the main contenders for emerging memory technologies:
"RRAM include multiple device types and mechanisms with varying level of maturity. The survey is based on rating of the general field rather than specific types. Some recent breakthrough in RRAM significantly enhanced perceived potential of this technology, e.g., 32Gb array demonstration726. Overall RRAM assessment is similar or better than existing CMOS-based nonvolatile memories (Flash). A clear advantage of RRAM is scalability owing to the filamentary conduction and switching mechanisms. The simple device structure and fab-friendly materials also contribute to high rating in CMOS compatibility. One of the major concerns of RRAM is the operation reliability due to the stochastic nature and the defect-related mechanisms. Large variation of RRAM switching parameters has been commonly observed and is considered an intrinsic feature of RRAM mechanisms."
[70] J. Muller, E. Yurchuk, T. Schlosser, J. Paul, R. Hoffmann, S. Muller, D. Martin, S. Slesazeck, P. Polakowski, J. Sundqvist, M. Czernohorsky, K. Seidel, P. Kucher, R. Boschke, M. Trentzsch, K. Gebauer, U. Schroder, and T. Mikolajick, "Ferroelectricity in HfO2 enables nonvolatile data storage in 28 nm HKMG," 2012 Symp. VLSI Tech., pp. 25–26, 2012
For all of you working on emerging memory technologies such as ReRAM, FeRAM, PCM, MRAM etc. this classification scheme in the latest ITRS roadmap should be very useful. Please check out the ERD - Emerging Research Devices Chapter.
"Figure ERD3 [inserted below] provides a simple visual method of categorizing memory technologies. At the highest level, memory technologies are separated by the ability to retain data without power. Nonvolatile memory offers essential use advantages, and the degree to which non-volatility exists is measured in terms of the length of time that data can be expected to be retained. Volatile memories also have a characteristic retention time that can vary from milliseconds to (for practical purposes) the length of time that power remains on. Nonvolatile memory technologies are further categorized by their maturity. Flash memory is considered the baseline nonvolatile memory because it is highly mature, well optimized, and has a significant commercial presence. Flash memory is the benchmark against which prototypical and emerging nonvolatile memory technologies are measured. Prototypical memory technologies are at a point of maturity where they are commercially available (generally for niche applications), and have a large scientific, technological, and systematic knowledge base available in the literature. These prototypical technologies are covered in Table ERD2 and in the PIDS Chapter. The focus of this section is Emerging Memory Technologies. These are the least mature memory technologies in Fig. ERD4, but have been shown to offer significant potential benefits if various scientific and technological hurdles can be overcome. This section provides an overview of these emerging technologies, their potential benefits, and the key research challenges that will allow them to become viable commercial technologies."
Figure ERD3, from the ERD Chapter 2013 - Emerging memory taxonomy (ITRS 2013, Chapter ERD)
If you continue to read from page 8 on you will find a short description of all emerging memory technologies that are being considered by he ITRS. If you´re saturated on resistive technologies you can fast forward to page 12 and read about the new contender FeFET :-)
The new 2013 edition is now released since about a monthFollow this link to the Summary Files. However, not all areas/Chapters has been updated. As an example, for Front End Process (FEP) Chapter the status is as follows:
Updated FEP Roadmap tables are: High Performance Devices, Low Standby Power Devices, FeRAM, Thermal, Thin Film, Doping Process Technology, Starting Materials, and Surface Preparation.
"Likely to be updated" in 2014: Updates to DRAM, Floating Gate Flash Non-Volatile memory (NVM), Charge Trap Flash NVM, Phase Change Memory, Etch and CMP.
We can assume that Samsung, Hynix, Micron, Toshiba and the guys will have some interesting meetings ahead to conclude what to put in those tables :-)
What is The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors - ITRS?
"The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors is sponsored by the five leading chip manufacturing regions in the world: Europe, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. The sponsoring organizations are the European Semiconductor Industry Association (ESIA), the Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA), the Korean Semiconductor Industry Association (KSIA), the Taiwan Semiconductor Industry Association (TSIA), and the United States Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA)."
"The objective of the ITRS is to ensure cost-effective advancements in the performance of the integrated circuit and the advanced products and applications that employ such devices, thereby continuing the health and success of this industry."
The International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors is sponsored by the five leading chip manufacturing regions in the world: Europe, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States. (source : http://www.itrs.net/about.html)
Comments on Twitter: 2013ITRS executive summary, in the autumn of Moore's Law.
The non-planar future: They 2013 International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS) ITRS2013- "The new era of scaling is 3D Power Scaling"
Scouting report for materials at end of the road: 2013ITRS
A recent review paper on Atomic Layer Deposition with open access. The review gives an overview of ALD precursors and materials and highlights the following applications:
ALD in microelectronics : high-k gate dielectrics
ALD in photovoltaics: buffer layers in Cu(In,Ga)Se2 thin film solar cells
ALD in energy storage: Pt and YSZ for solid oxide fuel cells
Abstract: Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a vapor phase technique capable of producing thin films of a variety of materials. Base on sequential, self-limiting reactions, ALD offers exceptional conformality on high-aspect ratio structures, thickness control at the Angstrom level, and tunable film composition. With these advantages, ALD has emerged as a powerful tool for many industrial and research applications. In this review, we provide a brief introduction to ALD and highlight select applications, including Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cell devices, high-k transistors, and solid oxide fuel cells. These examples are chosen to illustrate the variety of technologies that are impacted by ALD, the range of materials that ALD can deposit – from metal oxides such as Zn1−xSnxOy, ZrO2, Y2O3, to noble metals such as Pt – and the way in which the unique features of ALD can enable new levels of performance and deeper fundamental understanding to be achieved.
An excellent overview on all solid-state 3D thin-film batteries where Philippe Vereecken principal scientist at imec, and associate professor at KU Leuven explains "One way to make Li-ion batteries more durable, safer, smaller and in particularly faster, is a transition towards all solid-state 3D thin-film Li-ion batteries." The article can be find on page 30 in the May 2014 issue of Solid State Technology. UPDATE: this paper is also available here as html Solid State Technology.
Schematic of a planar (a) and 3D thin-film (b) battery with the following stack: current collector/ electrode/solid electrolyte/electrode/current collector. (Source: Solid State Technology)
ALD processes for solid state lithium batteries has been and is an active field of research at Oslo and Helsinki University. Below is a recent review from Ola Nilsen et al giving a great overview on the ALD precursor and processes that have been investigated so far.
Ola Nilsen, Ville Miikkulainen, Knut B. Gandrud, Erik Østreng, Amund Ruud, Helmer Fjellvag Volume 211, Issue 2, pages 357–367, February 2014
The lithium ion battery concept is a promising energy storage system, both for larger automotive systems and smaller mobile devices. The smallest of these, the microbatteries, are commonly based on the all-solid state concept consisting of thin layers of electroactive materials separated by a solid state electrolyte. The fact that solid state electrolytes are required puts rather severe constraints on the materials in terms of electronic and ionic conductivity, as well as lack of pinholes otherwise leading to self-discharge. The atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology is especially suitable for realization of such microbatteries for the Li-ion technology. ALD has an inherent nature to deposit conformal and pinhole free layers on complex geometrical shapes, an architecture most commonly adopted for microbattery designs. The current paper gives an overview of ALD-type deposition processes of functional battery materials, including cathodes, electrolytes, and anodes with the aim of developing all-solid-state batteries. Deposition of Li-containing materials by the ALD technique appears challenging and the status of current efforts is discussed.
Atomic Layer Etch Finally Emerges - is a interesting blog post by Mark LaPedus (Executive Editor for manufacturing at Semiconductor Engineering) that you should really read if you want some insight into why we need ALE and why it has been difficult to develope this etch technique.
After nearly two decades of being confined to R&D labs, equipment makers are placing big bets on this next-gen plasma etch technology.
Lam’s Lill agrees that ALE will not replace RIE. “We will offer both technologies in one reactor,” Lill said. “We think they will be complementary for certain applications. But we are already seeing the transition (to ALE) in certain applications.”
ALE could be used for 3D NAND, sub-20nm DRAMs and finFETs, but there are still some challenges before ALE is running in the production fab. “There are still three grand challenges left,” Lill said. “One is that there are no secondary unintended reactions for ALE. For example, we don’t want extreme UV radiation in the reactor. Second, we want the unit steps to be discrete. And finally, we need self-limiting single unit steps. They are very difficult to find.”
According to a press release : PV equipment suppliers, RENA and SoLayTec said they had shipped their 10th ‘InPassion’ system to a tier-1 fully integrated PV manufacturer based in China for monocrystalline solar cells.
The InPERC turnkey package consists of a complete rear-side smoothing, passivation, capping SiNx and laser ablation solution, which is capable of increasing average conversion efficiencies by more than 0.8%. The technology partners have demonstrated PERC solar cell efficiencies of over 20% with record efficiencies achieved at research centre, ISFH.
“It is clear that several PECVD and ALD solutions are available for deposition of Al2O3,” said Roger Görtzen, co-founder of SoLayTec. “SoLayTec believes that its modular ALD concept has the potential to win the game from PECVD, due to a few important factors. A higher uptime because of less periodic maintenance, 5 times lower usage of TMA precursor material and most important a very high stability of the ALD process. This results into a more narrow efficiency distribution of the cells and a higher average efficiency, leading to a better margin for our customer.”
The partners said that they would be presenting the results of their InPERC technology for multicrystalline solar cells with efficiencies above 18% at SNEC 2014.
RENA and SoLayTec said they had shipped their 10th ‘InPassion’ system to a tier-1 fully integrated PV manufacturer based in China for monocrystalline solar cells. Image SoLayTec
As ALD Pulse reports : Arradiance® Introduces Their GEMstar XT-P™, the First Benchtop Thermal and Plasma-Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition System for Research . The next generation GEMStar XT-P™ provides enhanced thermal and plasma ALD capabilities for cutting-edge nanoscale materials deposition.
GEMStar XT-P incorporates a fully functional, remote ICP plasma enhanced ALD capability which enables a broader range of precursor chemistries and ALD films at lower deposition temperatures. The 13.56 MHz plasma source is very compact and air cooled, operating at up to 300 Watts power with an automated matching network. GEMStar XT-P comes standard with three MFC controlled plasma gas lines and one MFC controlled carrier gas line for uniformly depositing even the most challenging oxides, nitrides and metals.
"Arradiance manufacture Benchtop Atomic Layer Deposition(ALD) Process Systems for a variety of applications. Our systems are designed to deposit uniform, defect free resistive and emissive coatings, even deep inside high aspect ratio (HAR) structures such as Microchannel Plates, Channel Electron Multipliers and Particles. High quality films with ultra-high aspect ratios are key features of our systems." (Source Arradiance.com)
Omid Zandi and co-workers at the Materials for Energy Conversion Group, Michigan State University are using ALD for the deposition of metal oxide semiconductors, doping and coatings, for solar fuel production purposes. Recent published work in Journal of Physical Letters about solar water oxidation with hematite deposited and modified via ALD allowed them to study and overcome the limitations of this system which led to the record performance reported for hematite based photoanodes recently (J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2014, 5 (9), pp 1522–1526 below).
Thin films of hematite (α-Fe2O3) were deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD), and the effects of metal oxide underlayers on the photocatalytic water oxidation performance were investigated. It was found that a Ga2O3 underlayer dramatically enhances the water oxidation performance of the thinnest hematite films. The performance enhancement is attributed to the increased crystallinity of the ultrathin films induced by the oxide underlayers. The degree of crystallinity was examined by Raman line shape analysis of the characteristic hematite phonon modes. It was found that multiple metal oxide underlayers, including Nb2O5, ITO, and WO3, increase the film crystallinity compared to hematite deposited on bare FTO. The increased crystallite size was also clearly evident from the high resolution SEM images. The degree of crystallinity was found to correlate with absorbance and the photocatalytic water oxidation performance. These findings shed light on the origin of the dead layer at the interface of the FTO substrate and ultrathin hematite films and elucidate strategies at overcoming it. (Picture from graphical abstract)
Hematite (α-Fe2O3) thin film electrodes prepared by atomic layer deposition (ALD) were employed to photocatalytically oxidize water under 1 sun illumination. It was shown that annealing at 800 °C substantially improves the water oxidation efficiency of the ultrathin film hematite electrodes. The effect of high temperature treatment is shown to remove one of two surface states identified, which reduces recombination and Fermi level pinning. Further modification with Co–Pi water oxidation catalyst resulted in unprecedented photocurrent onset potential of 0.6 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE; slightly positive of the flat band potential). (Picture from graphical abstract).