You may also wish to check out the articles we mentioned on this episode:
A Short History of Atomic Layer Deposition: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy, Riikka Puurunen
5th day of #CVDALD2019 has started (longish conference). Here, once more, the #VPHA #ALDep thesis poster with two of the many authors, myself and @JRvanOmmen, posing next to it. We have already found that there are theses from Switzerland and Korea that are missing from the list.— Riikka Puurunen (@rlpuu) June 28, 2019
If there is so many Chinese visitors, perhaps you can ask them on your blog to update the @aldhistoryblog #ALDhistory #VPHA PhD thesis list on #ALDep PhD's. Currently, we're missing china a bit. New contributions to be added here:— Felix Mattelaer (@felix_mattelaer) December 20, 2018
New post: "#VPHA article featured + most read in #JVSTA" #ALDep #ALD2016 #ALD16 #ALDhistory @rlpuu @jv3sund #ALDCoE— ALD History Blog (@aldhistoryblog) January 8, 2017