Showing posts with label VPHA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label VPHA. Show all posts

Friday, October 16, 2020

ALD Stories by Beneq - Meet Professor Riikka Puurunen of Aalto University, Finland

ALD Stories by Beneq - We meet Professor Riikka Puurunen of Aalto University in Finland, and discuss the history of ALD and other topics close to her heart. 

You may also wish to check out the articles we mentioned on this episode: 

A Short History of Atomic Layer Deposition: Tuomo Suntola's Atomic Layer Epitaxy, Riikka Puurunen 

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Available: VPHA poster at AVS ALD 2019

[VHPA:] The VPHA poster on the ALD doctoral thesis list was updated, as planned, for the AVS 19th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD 2019) featuring the 6th International Atomic Layer Etching Workshop (ALE 2019), Figure 1 of the poster below. The poster will be included in the AVS collections, and it is currently available via the website.

  • Link to poster: here 
  • Link to abstract: here
  • Link to supplementary information - with full author list: here
The doctoral thesis collection is still certainly missing entries. Suggestions for additions are welcome. Please preferably provide the information via the Google Sheets file, which all can edit: VPHA-thesis-to-be-added.

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Hello China, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore and Korea - Please update the ALD Thesis list!

Please update the ALD history VPHA PhD thesis list on ALD PhD's. Currently, we're missing contributions from Asia. New contributions to be added here: LINK

Friday, November 9, 2018

Introductory lecture on ALD available as "Panopto" lecture capture, and slides in SlideShare

Introductory lecture on ALD available as "Panopto" lecture capture, and slides in SlideShare by Prof. Riikka Puurunen, Aalto University, Finland.

SlideShare : LINK

Panopto Open Teaching Video : LINK

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Learnings from an Open Science effort: Virtual Project on the History of ALD

Here are news from the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) and Riikka Puurunen who is escaping the north European autumn at the ECS Fall / AiMES2018 meeting in Cancun Mexico - well deserved. VPHA is still on-going and preparations are underway to write the final review and more volunteers are still welcome!

On addition, VPHA will still like to complete the doctoral thesis list worldwide, and for this, input from ALD researchers all over the world is very much welcome - please submit your thesis!
Please follow the link for the complete presentation as preprint through ECSarXiv, : LINK

For those of you interested slide 21 for a very cool picture famous ALD-gurus and slide 27 for a proposed time line of ALD - enjoy!

R.L.Puurunen ECS AiMES 2018 Invited Talk G02-0987 Learnings from an Open Science effort: Virtual Project on the History of ALD

Screen dump from presentation available online (LINK)

Monday, May 28, 2018

Dr. Suntola thanks the community for support and shares honor for the 2018 Millennium Technology Prize

[Re-published form teh VPHA Blog, LINK]

Upon request, I transmit two messages from Dr. Tuomo Suntola, the awardee of the 2018 Millennium Technology Prize, to the ALD community.

First, Dr. Tuomo Suntola, who has had a busy week after receiving the prize on May 22, 2018, would like to thank the community for the broad support for the 2018 Millennium Technology Prize. This support, seen as forty supporting letters accompanying the nomination letter, has evidently had a significant role in strengthening the nomination. It was the pleasure and honour of the undersigned to spread information of the coming nomination at conferences in 2017 and to collect the supporting letters from esteemed scientists and technologists from various organizations around the world. In the words of Dr. Suntola in his speech at the 2018 Millennium Technology Prize ceremony:
” …  also, my sincere thanks go to the materials research and semiconductor processing community for the broad support behind the nomination.”

Second, Dr. Tuomo Suntola wishes that the prize will be experienced as credit for all actors in the field. Again, from his speech at the ceremony:
” … In the long run, I like to share the honor of the Millennium prize with all my colleagues having worked with me for the technology, the companies hosting and financing the development, and the co-operating universities and funding organizations supported the work. I like to thank all parties for the confidence and patience in getting through times when the goal looked distant. Finally, my special thanks go to the thousands of scientists and engineers who, finally, have made the technology a global success and an important part of our everyday life.”

It is an honour for myself and for the ALD History Blog as publication platform to transmit these messages from Dr. Tuomo Suntola to the community.

Espoo, Finland, May 27, 2018,
Riikka Puurunen
Associate Professor, Catalysis Science and Technology, Aalto University
Voluntary coordinator of the Virtual Project on the History of ALD

Saturday, July 30, 2016

ALD History Blog: ALD history at ALD 2016 Ireland

ALD History Blog: ALD history at ALD 2016 Ireland: Prof Greg Parsons introducing Prof Anatoly Malygin to give a plenary talk at ALD 2016. Photo by Riikka Puurunen. The  ALD 2016  confer...

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Open Access for ALD Publications by Riikka Puurunen

Here is a very insightful blog by Riikka Puurunen on the options for Open Access publication opportunities especially for ALD.

Thoughts on Open Access, VPHA and figshare

A publication is meant to be public. Many are not, as the journals limit the access to the subscribers of the journals --- the content is published, but not publicly available.

Mid-February, I blogged about "Open research: How sharing can help researchers succeed", linking to an excellent manuscript-in-progress by McKiernan et al. that considers open research aspects from a researcher-centric approach. The manuscript triggered my thinking in many ways, I recommend reading it to others, too. In this blog post, I continue around Open Access and Open Science from my own ALD scientist's viewpoint and from the viewpoint of the VPHA ALD history project, ending with a question: Could we use figshare to share VPHA's material, other than journal articles? Are there other good options? Discussion on the topic is very much needed and welcome.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

VPHA ALD thesis list under construction

In the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA,, we are collecting together a list of doctoral theses (PhD-equivalent) made on ALD worldwide. The list is planned to be published in the VPHA ALD History Review, Item #10 in the VPHA Publication Plan. Participation in VPHA is volunteer-based and open for everyone. 

More information: 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

ALD History Blog: VPHA abstract to ALD 2016 Ireland - DL Feb 7

ALD History Blog: VPHA abstract to ALD 2016 Ireland - DL Feb 7: The webpage of ALD 2016 in Dublin, Ireland, July 24-27, has been updated and abstract submission is open.

From VPHA, there will be one abstract to ALD 2016 (Item #9 in the Publication Plan). The contents of the presentation will be a summary of the historical ALD papers and a recommended reading list, created together by the VPHA group, based on the contents of the ALD-history-evolving-file. All those will be listed as authors of the presentation, who have participated in the voluntary VPHA reading and left at least one comment in the ALD-history-evolving-file by the time of sending the abstract. We have at the moment 41 co-authors from 12 countries (Poland joined recently).

The deadline of ALD 2016 is February 14. The VPHA internal deadline should be somewhat earlier; let us make this one week. If you'd like to join the VPHA abstract as an author, please make your first comment in the ALD-history-evolving-file no later than on February 7, 2016. People can of course join the voluntary VPHA reading later than this, too,only then their name will not appear in the ALD 2016 abstract.

Thursday, December 31, 2015

ALD History Blog: VPHA & New Year 2016

ALD History Blog: VPHA & New Year 2016:

At the turn of the new year, it is always good to look back on the past year. Significant progress in VPHA occurred in VPHA in 2015 regarding many aspects:

- Better organization to allow the VPHA to proceed "by itself". VPHA-reading-overview-file, VPHA-reading-workflow and info@ address enable the VPHA participants to find reading that is useful for the progress of the whole VPHA.
- VPHA organizational presentations were delivered at ALD Russia and Baltic ALD. The goal was to invite more people to get interested in VPHA and join it, which succeeded.... more »

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Essay on the history of ALD - Molecular Layering

As Riikka just announced - Now it is here the Essay on the history of creation and development of the molecular layering technique (ML) and later known as atomic layer deposition (ALD). We´re collecting contributions to make it an Open Access and are short of $1,000 of the total $3,000 needed - please contact either me or Riikka Puurunen if you would like to contribute!

Prof. V.B. Aleskovskii and his student S.I. Kol’tsov

From V. B. Aleskovskii's “Framework” Hypothesis to the Method of Molecular Layering/Atomic Layer Deposition

Anatolii A. Malygin, Victor E. Drozd, Anatolii A. Malkov and Vladimir M. Smirnov

Chemical Vapor Deposition, Volume 21, Issue 10-11-12, pages 216–240, December 2015,
DOI: 10.1002/cvde.201502013

Abstract: This essay is dedicated to the history of creation and development of the molecular layering technique (ML) which, in the modern community of non-Russian scientists, is commonly referred to as atomic layer deposition (ALD). Basic research in the field of chemical transformations of solid surfaces using the ML method in the light of the “framework” hypothesis proposed by V. B. Aleskovskii in 1952 is discussed. A number of questions raised by international scientists including those involved in the Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA, 2013), and scientists from conferences in Helsinki (Finland, May 2014.), Kyoto (Japan, June 2014), and personal communications amongst peers are addressed. For the first time in English, this article provides information about V. B. Aleskovskii and S. I. Kol'tsov who are closely associated with development of the ML technique in the Soviet Union. This paper also informs the scientific community about research groups currently engaged in ML research in Russia and introduces the scientific school of “Chemistry of highly organized substances”, founded and supervised by V. B. Aleskovskii.
The authors express their deep gratitude to all the colleagues who initiated the writing of this review, particularly R. Puurunen and A. Abdulagatov. Special thanks to A. Abdulagatov for his valuable suggestions that helped strengthen the content of this article. The topic suggestions that have been sent to us by our colleagues from different countries have allowed us to more clearly define the structure and content of this article and we have tried our best to cover them all in detail. Great thanks to Puurunen Riikka (Finland), Sundqvist Jonas (Sweden), Pedersen Henrik (Sweden), Koshtyal Yury (Russia), van Ommen, J. Ruud, (the Netherlands). We would like to acknowledge the Russian science Foundation for partial financial support (contract No. 14-13-00597).

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

#VPHA - Update of Wikipedia Atomic Layer Deposition page

To update Wikipedia pages is one of the VPHA publication plan outcomes listed for VPHA (#11,

There are a lot of missing info and some errors as noted by Riikka Puurunen blog post in the ALD History Blog,

Please let us, Jonas Sundqvist and Angel Yanguas-Gil, know if you are interested to contribute since we have volunteered to lead the Wikipedia update activities.

Friday, December 4, 2015

ALD History Blog: List of ALD reviews

ALD History Blog: Another page under construction: List of ALD revie...: A list of scientific reviews (including books) on ALD is now under construction as a separate page in the ALD History Blog:

This initial list, started December 3, 2015, contains the list of reviews collected for my (Puurunen's)  review articles in J. Appl. Phys. 2005 and 2013, with some items added for years 2012 on.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

"Reconstruction of the first ALE experiment"

Here is a very interesting story from Riikka Puurunen on the background of creating a cover picture for the CVD Journal (image below) and material for the 40 year celebration of ALD in Finland.

"Reconstruction of the first ALE experiment". © Riikka Puurunen 2014

"November 29, 2014, it was exactly 40 years since the filing of the first patent on Atomic Layer Epitaxy by Suntola and Antson (FIN 52359). To celebrate this, the Finnish Centre of Excellence on Atomic Layer Deposition (ALDCoE) released the material of the exhibition "40 Years of ALD in Finland - Photos, Stories" (FinALD40) in the internet. Originally, this exhibition had been created for the Baltic ALD 2014 conference in Helsinki, May 12-13, 2014."

Friday, November 20, 2015

Guest Blog: ALD Russia 2015 workshop: travel notes by Riikka P...

Below you find my travel report from the ALD Russia workshop in Dolgoprudny, Moscow region, September 2015. Originally, this travel report was published as a stand-along text through Google docs and also through through BALD Engineering blog

After the ALD Russia workshop, this ALD History blog has been created, and one travel report published in it (St. Petersburg, 2015, Puurunen). Since the ALD Russia workshop was historical in nature in many ways, and since it will be wise to collect ALD-history-related travel reports in one place, I want to publish the travel report here again. To this version, I have added a significant number of previously unpublished photographic material. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

ALD History Blog: Travel notes, St Petersburg, November 2015, by Rii...

ALD History Blog: Travel notes, St Petersburg, November 2015, by Rii...: I had the pleasure of visiting St. Petersburg in November 2015. This was my second visit to St. Petersburg related to ALD; the first was in ...

Prof. Drozd and his current design of thin film ALD reactor, at St Petersburg State University, made with the Nanoengineering brand. Photo by Riikka Puurunen, 11.11.2015.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

HERALD COST action news: More volunteers invited to contribute to VPHA

VPHA ALD history blog: HERALD COST action news: More volunteers invited t...:

"Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA), started in July 2013, is looking fore more voluntary participants, to help find answers to questions related to early days of ALD. Many will know that ALD has been invented twice under different names, Atomic Layer Epitaxy and Molecular Layering. Especially the works made under the name Molecular Layering have remained poorly known (and cited).

The core activity of VPHA is to list and read early ALD publications, and collect together personal summaries of ALD scientists of the contents of the individual publications. All VPHA activities are done in an atmosphere of openness, respect, and trust. A central information hub of VPHA is the dedicated webpage, where one finds a link to the "ALD-history-evolving-file". An accompanying blog was recently created: Discussion related to VPHA is also carried out in the LinkedIn "ALD History" group. 

VPHA has already booked significant advances in understanding of the history of ALD, see the Publication Plan However, the work is far from completed. As of 4.11.2015, a total of 347 ALD publications has been listed in VPHA for up to 1986, and 38 people from 11 countries and over 20 institutions have written 363 personal summaries of them. If each publication is to be read at least three times, about 30% of the reading & commenting work is still to be done. If we would have 100 volunteers each reading ten papers, completing the work should be easy.  

The next scientific joint publication from VPHA will be a poster at the ALD 2016 conference. All HERALD participants warmly welcome to join VPHA, to share the work in this unique and important effort and to enjoy its fruits.

Information on how to join and start contributing can be found in 
Best regards,
Riikka Puurunen (Dr., Senior Scientist), VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Yury Koshtyal (Dr., Research Fellow), Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Henrik Pedersen (Assoc. Prof.), Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
J. Ruud Van Ommen (Assoc. Prof.), Delft University of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands;
Jonas Sundqvist (Dr., Senior Scientist), Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany; Lund University, Lund, Sweden
Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA) - in atmosphere of Openness, Respect, and Trust

Monday, September 28, 2015

Origin and History of Electro Luminescent Displays

As many of you know, Dr. Tuomo Suntola and co-workes invented many ALD technologies and processes and further developed Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD), then called Atomic Layer Epitaxy (ALE) to an industrial mass production process during the 70s and 80s. They did this in order to have a reliable manufacturing method with atomic level control of dopants and crystallinity of the individual thin film layers making up the EL device for producing Electro Luminescent Displays with reliable operation. Most ALD experts has com across this story numerous times and that is why it is interesting to read about it from a wider perspective. Here is an excellent article on the origin and history of EL Displays worth reading also including the early 20th century discoveries and work on electroluminescense and other big players like SHARP.

For more ALD related information and History of they development that took place in Finland you should also visit the ADL 2014 Kyoto Tutorial by Riikka Puuronen (VTT, Finland) which is available at Slideshare: (Slide above, Riikka Puurunen, VTT))

If you´re interest in more early history of ALD you should read about or join the VHPA Project - it is quite exciting!

Virtual Project on the History of ALD (VPHA)

VPHA is an open collaborative effort, whose goal is to clarify open questions related to the early history of the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) thin film deposition technique. VPHA was launched in July 2013. VPHA is based on voluntary efforts, and anyone interested in the history of ALD is welcome to join. All VPHA activities are made in an atmosphere of openness, respect and trust.