Dr. Tuomo Suntola, has shared his opening presentation "From ideas to global industry" from the recently held Baltic ALD conference, May 12-13, 2014, University of Helsinki [thanks Riikka for sharing].
T. Suntola, "From ideas to global industry"
BALTIC ALD, May 12-13, 2014, University of Helsinki
(some snapshots form the presentation that I find especially interesting, follow the link for the complete presentation)
In late 1973 instrumentarium Oy was searching for new challenges. 1.1.1974 a research unit headed by Tuomo Suntola was formed and The Proposal was given to the board by Dr. Tuomo Sunola: "Let´s develop an electroluminicent flat panel display...nobody has done it yet"
The famous picture of Sven Lindfors, today Chief Technology Officer and a Member of the Board of Directors of Picosun.“We had numerous unsuccessful test runs behind us. Dr. Tuomo Suntola knew that in order to proceed, we needed to advance from using pure chemical elements to an exchange reaction based on carrier gases and sulphides,” says Sven Lindfors, at the time working as a key technician for Dr Suntola’s team. (Source Picosun Newsletter : http://www.picosun.com/binary/file/-/id/3/fid/79/).
Introduction of high-k materials by ALD in the semiconductor industry for DRAM Capacitors and MOSFETs and the contribution of ALD to the learning curve to keep up with Moore's Law.
Follow this link for an overvie on his work concerning Atomic Layer Deposition and thin film devices. The page includes articles, books patents, and conference presentation material from Dr. Tuomo Suntola. ranging back to the early 70s: http://www.sci.fi/~suntola/ald.html
Additional ALD presentations given by Tuomo Suntola in the last 10 years that can also be downloaded from this page:
T. Suntola, "30 years of ALD"
ALD 2004 Conference, University of Helsinki
Russian-Finnish Scientific Conference, 12 – 13 September 2007, Helsinki
T. Suntola, "35 years of ALD"
Winter-School Picosun World Forum, 9-10 June 2009, Espoo
T. Suntola, "Invention of ALD and protection of knowledge"
ENHANCE - Winter-School 9-12 January 2012, University of Helsinki
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