Registration for the workshop is still open: Many of imec's large industrial IDM partners and equipment suppliers have
registered for this workshop - an excellent opportunity to meet the experts in this field!
Imec and the COST action HERALD will host a workshop dedicated to Transition metal compounds driving technological advancement. The Belux2 workshop will take place at imec in Leuven, Belgium on 17-18 November 2016.
2 half-day workshop will provide an excellent opportunity to spark
multidisciplinary discussions regarding the modeling, deposition and
characterization of novel transition metal
compounds for next generation technologies.
The program will consist of Presentations by invited speakers.
Prof. Atsufumi Hirohata (University of York, UK) -
Heusler Alloy Films for Spintronic Devices
Dr. Stanislav Chadov (Max Planck, Germany) -
Room-temperature tetragonal noncollinear antiferromagnet: Pt2MnGa
Prof. Andreas Michels (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) -
Magnetic Neutron Scattering Studies on Nd-Fe-B Magnets
Prof. Thibault Devolder (Universite Paris Sud, France) -
Nanosecond-Scale Switching in Perpendicularly Magnetized STT-MRAM Cells
Prof. Jens Kreisel (Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, Luxembourg) -
Strain & phase transitions in oxide heterostructures and ultrathin films
Prof. Sebastiaan van Dijken (Aalto University, Finland) -
Electric-Field Control of Magnetism in Multiferroic Heterostructures
Prof. Guus Rijnders (University of Twente, The Netherlands) -
Geoffrey Pourtois (imec, Belgium) -
Modeling of the impact of the chemical environment on the properties of MX2 materials for nanoelectronic applications
Stephen McDonnell (University of Virginia, US) -
Deposition of and on 2D materials
Dr. Ageeth Bol (Eindhoven University, The Netherlands) -
Atomic layer deposition of metals and oxides on graphene for future nanoelectronics
Prof. Alexander Shluger (University College London, UK) -
Some ideas on the mechanisms of electroforming in oxides from DFT simulations
Dr. Uwe Schroeder (Namlab, Germany) -
HfO2 and ZrO2 based ferroelectric materials for non-volatile memory applications
Prof. Matthias Wuttig (RWTH Aachen, Germany) -
Novel Phase Change Materials by Design: The Mistery of Resonance Bonding
Dr. Ilia Valov (FZ Juelich, Germany) -
Interfaces, Mobile Ions and Moisture Effects in ReRAM memristive systems
Poster session.
- Walking dinner.
More information and the
registration form are available at:
The fee for the workshop is only 50 euro (VAT included).
The deadline for registration is 11 November 2016.
Poster contributions are welcome by abstract submission (
The deadline for abstract submission is 4 November 2016.
We really look forward to welcoming you at imec!
Best regards from the Belux2 organizing committee.
Naoufal Bahlawane, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST)
Sven Van Elshocht, imec (chairman)
Christoph Adelmann, imec
Annelies Delabie, imec
Johan Swerts, imec
Kathleen Vanderheyden, imec
Fred Loosen, imec
Please forward this email to whom it may concern.

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