The long term master of ALD and especially W/Al2O3 laminates S.M. George and his ALD team in Boulder, Colorado have now manufactured one of the most amazing bridges that I have ever seen and it has electrical and thermal conduction as well!
Electrical and thermal conduction in ultra-thin freestanding atomic layer deposited W nanobridges
Nathan T. Eigenfeld, Jonas C. Gertsch, George D. Skidmore, Steven M. George, Victor M. BrightNanoscale, 2015, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/C5NR04885K, Paper
Work presented here measures and interprets the electrical and thermal
conductivities of atomic layer deposited (ALD) free-standing single film
and periodic tungsten and aluminum oxide nanobridges with thicknesses
from ∼5–20 nm and ∼3–13 nm, respectively. Electrical conductivity of the
W films is reduced by up to 99% from bulk, while thermal conductivity
is reduced by up to 91%. Results indicate phonon contribution to thermal
conductivity is dominant in these ALD films and may be substantially
reduced by the incorporation of periodicity in the ALD W/Al2O3
nanolaminates. Additionally, thin film conduction modeling demonstrates
nano-structured grain features largely dictate electron and phonon
conduction in ALD W. New fabrication methods have allowed for the
development of free-standing ultra-thin structures with layers on the
order of several nanometers utilizing ALD. While the literature contains
diverse studies of the physical properties of thin films prepared by
traditional micro-fabrication sputtering or chemical vapor deposition
techniques, there remains little data on freestanding structures
containing ALD generated materials. Specifically, knowledge of the
electrical and thermal conductivity of ALD generated materials will aid
in the future development of ultra-thin nano-devices.
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