Showing posts with label EFDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EFDS. Show all posts

Monday, August 12, 2024

ALD for Industry, March 11-12, 2025 in Dresden

The 8th International Conference “ALD FOR INDUSTRY” will again bridge the gap between fundamental science, industrialization and commercialization of this technology. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is a process for depositing a variety of thin film materials from the vapor phase of matter. The growth of this technology is not only based in microelectronics applications, but also in areas of industrial Li-Ion batteries, photovoltaics, optics, light, biomedicine and quantum technology.

This event is already establied since 2017 and attracts annually more than 100 participants and numerous exhibitors to visit Dresden. The Conference with Tutorial provides the opportunity to learn more about fundamentals of ALD technology, to get informed about recent progress in the field and to get in contact with industrial and academic partners. Increase your visibility and present your company in our accompanying exhibition.

The next event will take place in March 11 – 12, 2025 in Dresden. Please do not miss the chance to submit your abstract to present your recent research in the field of ALD, show application examples or present accompanying technologies like metrology, combinations of technological approaches like plasma technology or vacuum technologies.

You would like to present your new developments and research results?
Please send your abstract to until September 15, 2024.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Program release - EFDS ALD for Industry 2020 in Freiburg, Germany (March 31-April 1)

A topical workshop with a focus on industrialization and commercialization of ALD for current and emerging markets

Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is used to deposit ultraconformal thin films with sub-nm film thickness control. The method is unique in the sense that it employs sequential self-limiting surface reactions for growth in the monolayer thickness regime. Today, ALD is a critical technology in leading-edge semiconductor technology, and the field of application in other industries is increasing rapidly. According to the market estimates, the equipment market alone is currently at an annual revenue of US$ 1.8-1.9 billion (2018), and it is expected to double in the next 4-5 years. In a European context, ALD was invented independently twice in Europe (Russia & Finland), and since the last 15 years, Germany has grown to become one of the strongest European markets for ALD in R&D, chemicals, equipment, and end-users.
Keynote: Prof. Henrik Pedersen, Linköping University
Tutorials by : Bochum University, Lund University, Uppsala University, Oxford Instruments, TECHCET / Fraunhofer IKTS 
Presentations by: Air Liquide, BASF, CEA Leti, Encapsulix, Picosun, Veeco, Sentech, Beneq, Fraunhofer IPMS-CNT, Positive Coating, ATLANT 3D Nanosystems, Fraunhofer FMD 
This year we will organize the 4th Workshop „ALD For Industry“ in South Germany (Freiburg), much closer to the other ALD hubs in continental Europe in France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland. ALD for Industry provides the opportunity to get in contact with industrial and academic partners to learn more about the fundamentals of ALD technology and to get informed about recent progress in the field. The Event will focus on the current markets for ALD and addresses the applications in the Semiconductor industry, MEMS & Sensors, Battery Technology, Medical, Display, Lightning, Barriers, and Photovoltaics.
Program and Information: LINK

ALD Industrial Exhibition (more in the pipeline):

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

SAVE THE DATE - ALD For Industry 2020, March 31 to April 1 2020 in Freiburg, Germany

A topical workshop with a focus on industrialization and commercialization of ALD for current and emerging markets Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is used to deposit ultraconformal thin films with sub-nm film thickness control. The method is unique in the sense that it employs sequential self-limiting surface reactions for growth in the monolayer thickness regime. Today, ALD is a critical technology in leading edge semiconductor technology, and the field of application in other industries is increasing rapidly. According to the market estimates, the equipment market alone is currently at an annual revenue of US$ 1.8-1.9 billion (2018), and it is expected to double in the next 4-5 years. In a European context, ALD was invented independently twice in Europe (Russia & Finland), and since the last 15 years, Germany has grown to become one of the most active European markets for ALD in R&D, chemicals, equipment, and end-users.

The event is open for Exhibition & Sponsoring as well as contributing Talks & Tutorials. Please contact.

Jonas Sundqvist: E-mail
Katrine Ferse:  E-mail
This year we will organize the 4th EFDS ALD For Industry Workshop in South Germany (Freiburg), much closer to the other ALD hubs in continental Europe in France, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, and Switzerland. ALD for Industry provides the opportunity to get in contact with industrial and academic partners to learn more about the fundamentals of ALD technology and to get informed about recent progress in the field. The event will focus on the current markets for ALD and addresses the applications in the Semiconductor industry, MEMS & Sensors, Battery Technology, Medical, Display, Lightning, Barriers, and Photovoltaics.
 Freiburg, Germany with a central location in Europe and Industrial heartland (Google maps LINK)
ALD For Industry is a "Green Event" organized at ETAGE accordingly (LINK)

The heat supply of the building is based on zero emissions, the general electricity is sourced to 100% from renewable energies, lighting is provided by energy-saving lamps and LEDs.

The ETAGE works exclusively with locally-based service providers who source their products and ingredients regionally, seasonally, and fairly produced.

Environmentally friendly
ETAGE attaches great importance to sustainability: from waste separation through eco-certified crockery to beech wood furniture that is 100% sustainable in the region.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

ALD at V2019 in Dresden October 9th to 10th with Keynote by Dr. Suntola, Millenium Technology Prize winner of 2018

We are very happy to announce the almost complete program for the ALD Workshop at V2019 in Dresden, October 9th to 10th organized by EFDS:
  • Keynote Lecture to Atomic Layer Deposition by Dr. Tuomo Suntola, Millenium Technology Prize 2018
  • Presentations to “Atomic Layer Deposition” Program (Link) 
  • Workshop 5: October 9 – October 10, 2019Industrial Exhibition for Surface Technologies and adjacent Branches : Medical, Optics, Energy and ALD
  • Industrial Evening & V-Dinner
  • Information to Industrial International Funding
Downloads●  Profile of V2019 [PDF]
●  Time Schedule of V2019 [PDF]
●  Industrial Exhibition for Exhibitors [PDF]
●  Program to Atomic Layer Deposition (engl. Language) [PDF]
●  List of Exhibitors (Link)
●  Information for students and junior employees [PDF]
●  Information for job advertisements [PDF]

Lecutues | 2019.10.09 - FREE FOR ALL - No registration fee required

Lecture, part I

"45 years of ALD"
Prof. Tuomo Suntola, Picosun Oy, Espoo, Finland - Millenium Technology Prize 2018Abstract [PDF]
© Picture: By courtesy of Technology Academy Finland.
Lecture, part II
"Current and Emerging ALD Processes, Precursors and Applications in High Volume Production"
Jonas Sundqvist, Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS, Dresden, Germany
Abstract [PDF]
Presenations | 2019.09.10 & 2019.10.10

"Advances in quantitative characterization of thin films with help of AFM-based methods"
Malgorzata Kopycinska-Müller, Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS, Dresden, Germany
Abstract [PDF]

"In situ metrology for Atomic Layer Deposition processes"
Martin Knaut, Technische Universität Dresden, IHM, Dresden, Germany
Abstract [PDF]
"Conformality in Atomic Layer Deposition"
Véronique Cremers, Plasma Electronic GmbH, Neuenburg, Germany
Abstract [PDF]

"Oxides for Electronics"
Mari Napari, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Abstract [PDF]
"Atomic Layer Deposition of Indium Nitride using Hexacoordinated In–N Bonded Precursors and NH3 Plasma"
Nathan O´Brian, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Abstract [PDF]
"Multi-layer Stacked ALD Coating for Hermetic Encapsulation of Implantable Biomedical Microdevices"
Christoph Hossbach, Picosun group, Espoo, Finnland
Abstract [PDF]
"Fast plasma ALD employing de Laval Nozzles for high velocity precursor injection"
Abhishekkumar Thakur, Plasway-Technologies GmbH, Dresden, Germany
Abstract [PDF]

More to follow...

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Come to Berlin for the EFDS ALD for Industry - 3rd Workshop and Tutorial, March 19-20, 2019

Including Industrial Exhibition and Practical ALD Show

A topical workshop with focus on industrialization and commercialization of ALD for current and emerging market

Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is used to deposit ultraconformal thin films with sub-nm film thickness control. The method is unique in the sense that it employs sequential self-limiting surface reactions for growth in the monolayer thickness regime. Today, ALD is a key technology in leading semiconductor technology and the field of application in other leading-edge industries is increasing rapidly. According to market estimates the equipment market alone is currently at an annual revenue of US$ 1.5-1.7 billion (2017) and it is expected to double in the next 4-5 years.

In a European context ALD was invented independently twice in Europe (Russia & Finland) and since the last 15 years Germany has grown to become one of the strongest European markets for ALD in R&D, chemicals, equipment and end users.

The Event will focus on the current markets for ALD and addresses the applications in semiconductor industry, MEMS & Sensors, Battery Technology, Medical, Display, Lightning, Barriers and Photovoltaics.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Workshop, Tutorial & Practical Show „ALD for Industry“, 19. – 20. März 2019, Berlin

ALD – eine vielversprechende Technologie

Die Atomlagenabscheidung (ALD) verspricht mit ihrem besonderen Ansatz, Beschichtungen Lage für Lage geordnet abzuscheiden, zahlreiche Vorteile und Möglichkeiten. 2019 treffen wir uns nunmehr zum dritten Mal mit zunehmendem Teilnehmerkreis, um das Potential der Technologie und die aktuellen Fortschritte aufzuzeigen und zu diskutieren. In diesem Jahr stehen neben interessanten Vorträgen vor allem Praxistipps im Vordergrund. In der „Practical ALD Show“ geben Experten Tipps zur Durchführung und Prozessoptimierung. Einzelne Ausstellungs-Restplätze für Sponsoren sind noch buchbar.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Saturday, August 18, 2018

SAVE THE DATE - EFDS ALD For Industry 2019 March 19-20 in Berlin, Germany

ALD for Industry - Tutorial, Workshop & Exhibition

This event provides the opportunity to learn more about fundamentals of ALD technology, to get informed about recent progress in the field and to get in contact with industrial and academic partners. Increase your visibility and present your company in our accompanying exhibition.

19.03.2019 : Tutorial, Exhibition & Tour
20.03.2019 : Workshop & Industrial Exhibition at the Fraunhofer Forum in Berlin Mitte

The event is now open for sponsoring end Exhibition booking. For workshop presentations please contact Jonas Sundqvist (

Sponsoring, Exhibition Contact:
Grit Kotschenreuther
Gostritzer Straße 63
Phone +49 351 8718372

Fraunhofer Forum in Spree Palais am Dom, Berlin Mitte (Wikipedia)
Platinum Sponsors:

Friday, June 29, 2018

Tutorial Plasma assisted atomic level processing – PEALD & ALE at PSE2018

Plasma assisted atomic level processing – PEALD & ALE , Sunday, September 16, 2018

The focus will be on atomic level processing technologies, such as Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer Deposition (PEALD) and Atomic Layer Etching (ALE). The tutorial will provide the basics of the processes, but also insights into the fundamentals of processes, as well as an overview of the processing equipment and applications of these leading edge technologies.

The tutorial will be organized by Adriana Creatore, TU Eindhoven, the Netherlands, in cooperation with Jonas Sundqvist, Fraunhofer IKTS, Dresden, Germany.

9:00 - 9:30

Adriana Creatore, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Jonas Sundqvist, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Germany
9:30 - 11:00

“Overview of thin film deposition and nanofabrication by atomic layer deposition”
Adrie Mackus, Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
11:00 - 11:30 Break
11:30 - 13:00

“Plasma atomic layer deposition: basics, mechanisms and applications”
Harm Knoops, Oxford Instruments Plasma Technology, United Kingdom and Department of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
13:00 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30

“Principles, basics and practical examples of Plasma Atomic Layer Etching”
Sabbir Khan, Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden
15:30 - 16:00 Break
16:00 - 17:30

“Plasma-ALD and ALE processes in high volume manufacturing and emerging applications”
Jonas Sundqvist, Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS, Germany
17:30 End of the tutorial

Monday, March 19, 2018

RASIRC Turns Thermal Mass Flow Measurement of Dilute Reactive Gas Species Inside Out

Company features new thermal mass gas sensor at ALD for Industry 2018

San Diego, Calif – March 19, 2018–RASIRC will present an new thermal mass gas sensor for independent measurement of precursor flow rate at the ALD for Industry 2018 conference held in Dresden, Germany March 21 and 22. The presentation will discuss the importance of precursor gas flow measurement independent of carrier gas flow and will provide experimental performance data with hydrogen peroxide gas. The company will also discuss its metal nitride and metal oxide precursor gases in the exhibits area. 

Jeff Spiegelman at ALD for Industry last year (EFDS ALD for Industry 2017, 17-18 January Dresden, Germany)
RASIRC is a conference sponsor and will also participate in the exhibition. ALD for Industry is sponsored by the European Society for Thin Films (EFDS) and is a topical workshop focused on industrialization and commercialization of ALD for current and emerging markets.

“Process control is crucial for product yields and materials utilization,” said Jeffrey Spiegelman, RASIRC President and Founder. “New RASIRC monitoring technology solves a difficult problem for highly reactive gases, enabling better process stability and lower materials cost.”

RASIRC Brute Peroxide is a novel oxidant that improves passivation and nucleation density at film interfaces when compared to other oxidants. Surface functionalization is denser and initiation is faster using this anhydrous hydrogen peroxide gas compared with alternatives. This high reactivity allows for less chemistry use, and higher throughput due to shorter required purge times.

BRUTE Hydrazine enables low temperature ALD (sub-350°C) . Highly reactive, BRUTE Hydrazine creates uniform metal nitride deposition on 3D surfaces for barrier layers and atmospheric protection.

RASIRC’s Peroxidizer® provides high volumes of reactive H2O2/H2O mixtures for high throughput ALD. This reactive gas generator is ideal for roll-to-roll ALD coatings that require high speed deposition at reduced temperatures.

RASIRC products also include the RainMaker Humidification System (RHS) that generates water vapor for oxidation applications, and the Hydrogen Peroxide Steamer (HPS) for surface cleaning, preconditioning, wet thermal oxidation and residual carbon removal.


RASIRC specializes in products that generate and deliver gas to fabrication processes. Each unit is a dynamic gas plant in a box—converting common liquid chemistries into safe and reliable gas flow for most processes. First to generate ultra-high purity (UHP) steam from de-ionized water, RASIRC technology can now also deliver hydrogen peroxide gas and hydrazine gas in controlled, repeatable concentrations. RASIRC gas delivery systems, humidifiers, and closed loop humidification systems are critical for many applications in semiconductor, photovoltaic, pharmaceutical, medical, biological, fuel cell, and power industries. Call 858-259-1220, email or visit



Jeffrey Spiegelman
Phone: 858-259-1220

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Come meet the German ALD Industry next week in Dresden - everybody will be there!

A topical workshop with focus on industrialization and commercialization of ALD for current and emerging markets

Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is used to deposit ultrathin and highly conformal thin films. ALD is unique in the sense that it employs sequential self-limiting surface reactions for growth in the monolayer thickness regime. According to market estimates the equipment market alone is currently at an annual revenue of US$ 1.5 - 1.7 billion (2017) and it is expected to double in the next 4-5 years.

In a European context ALD was invented independently twice in Europe (Russia & Finland) and since the last 15 years Germany has grown to become one of the strongest European markets for ALD in R&D, chemicals, equipment and end users. Here, Dresden and Saxony isa unique ALD hotspot due to a strong semiconductor and equipment industry.

The Event will focus on the current markets for ALD, besides the leading edge semiconductor industry, applications in MEMS and Sensors, Display, Lightning, Barriers and Energy Devices will be addressed.

Location: HYPERION Hotel Dresden am Schloss, Dresden (Deutschland)

Program: LINK

Regsitration: LINK

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


ALD FOR INDUSTRY, MARCH 21 – 22, 2018 – DRESDEN: Following the succes of ALD for Industry 2017 with 100 participants we will continue to organize this event. This time we have extended the Workshop with half a day to a full 2 day event and the ALD Exhhibition will also be open for the public! In addition, the part of the workshop will be a HERALD Event so please contact us for more details on that.

Conference Chairs: Jonas Sundqvist, Fraunhofer IKTS and Christoph Hossbach, Picosun Germany
Tutorial Chair: Colin Georgi, Fraunhofer ENAS

Committee: Bernd Hintze (invited speaker), Globalfoundries and Henry Bernhardt, Infineon

Background: A topical workshop with focus on industrialization and commercialization of ALD for current and emerging markets Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) is used to deposit ultrathin and highly conformal thin films. ALD is unique in the sense that it employs sequential self-limiting surface reactions for growth in the monolayer thickness regime. 

ALD in Germany: According to market estimates the equipment market alone is currently at an annual revenue of US$ 1.5 - 1.7 billion (2017) and it is expected to double in the next 4- 5 years. In a European context ALD was invented independently twice in Europe (Russia & Finland) and since the last 15 years Germany has grown to become one of the strongest European markets for ALD in R&D, chemicals, equipment and end users. Here, Dresden and Saxony isa unique ALD hotspot due to a strong semiconductor and equipment industry.

The Event will focus on the current markets for ALD, besides the leading edge semiconductor industry, applications in MEMS and Sensors, Display, Lightning, Barriers and Photovoltaics will be addressed.

Sponsors (signed so far):

Dr. Katrin Ferse
Europäische Forschungsgesellschaft Dünne Schichten e. V.
Gostritzer Str. 63, 01217 Dresden, Tel. +49 351 871 8374, Fax: +49 351 8718431
E-Mail:, web:
Dr. Jonas Sundqvist 

Fraunhofer IKTS, Dünnschicht-Technologien | Thin-Film Technologies, Winterbergstraße 28, 01277 Dresden, Germany
Telefon +49 351 2553 7693, Mobile +49 173 4394 239