Saturday, November 12, 2016

Tutorials on Atomic Layer Deposition in Dresden Jan 17, 2017

ALD Lab Saxony, IHM TU Dresden, Fraunhofer IKTS and EFDS invites you to visit Dresden January 17-18 to learn the latest in ALD processing, technology and applications as part of the EFDS ALD for Industry Workshop. After the tutorials there will be an opportunity to visit ALD labs and clean rooms at the Technical University Dresden (IHM and NaMLab) and Fraunhofer Institute for Ceramic Technologies and Systems IKTS.

The 2nd day will be the main workshop day with invited talks from leading researchers and industry experts on the broad range of topics. The workshop will focus on non-Semiconductor industrial applications of today and the emerging markets with an expected industrialization in the next 5 years. Presentations will focus on the latest topics and the state of the art in the field of Atomic Layer Deposition. In parallel there will be an exhibition, giving great opportunities for face to face meetings and to share product information. The workshop will provide an excellent platform for discussions and networking during the program as well as during the social events.

More information will follow!

Tutorial - Tuesday, January 17, 2017

12:30 Introduction and fundamentals of ALD
Prof. Johann W. Bartha; IHM, TU Dresden, Germany

13:00 ALD of metals
Dr. Colin Georgi; Fraunhofer ENAS, Germany

13:30 Overview of ALD equipment and technologies
Dr. Christoph Hossbach; IHM, TU Dresden, Germany

14:00 Coffee Break

14:30 Speeding up the unique assets of ALD
Dr. David Muñoz-Rojas; LMGP-CNRS, Grenoble

15:00 In situ metrology techniques in ALD
Marcel Junige; IHM, TU Dresden, Germany

15:30 ALD applications, equipment and precursor market outlook 2017 to 2020
Dr. Jonas Sundqvist; Fraunhofer IKTS, Germany / Techcet LLC, USA

Welcome to Dresden from ALD Lab Saxony!

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