Lund University, Sweden, is the largest university in the Nordic Countries situated across the bridge from Copenhagen. ProNano is a pilot study of the market potential for a pilot production facility for nanotechnology and nano materials in Lund. The facility is aimed at researchers and companies wants to develop pilot production and products with industry standard, without having to invest in expensive equipment by themselves.
The project was initiated by NanoLund at Lund University, Sweden and is conducted in collaboration with Lund University, Region Skåne, RISE and Medicon Village with representation from industry, academia and authorities and Yvonne Mårtensson, former CEO Cellavision AB is the project manager of ProNano. This week the next steps have been announced by a press release from Lund University.
Science Village Scandinavia will consist of buildings aimed at research facilities, research institutes, research institutes for Lund University and other universities, companies related to innovation and research, a Science Centre and Business Centre, premises for laboratories, administration, service and accommodation (
Prof. Lars Samuelson, founder of NanoLund and the nanowire growth research and also founder of a number of spin-off companies and the driver of commercialization of nano materials at Lund University stated: "An effort for the industrialization of nano materials in Lund is a natural result of the world leading materials research with the establishment of a number of companies where the research is channeled all the way to the market". As a note for the readers here, Prof. Samuelson is the Keynote Speaker of ALD 2016 in Dublin, Ireland 24-27th of July.
Prof. Lars Samuelson (left) and Prof. Heiner Linke (right), the founder resp. the Director of NanoLund.
Prof. Heiner Linke, Director of NanoLund added "The goal with ProNano is to create a vertical integrated system around Swedish nanotechnology that stretches from education through basic and applied research all the way to production. The vision is to realize the foundation for a Swedish industry based on advanced nano materials"
The regional authorities of Skåne (Region Skåne, Southern part of Sweden part of greater Copenhagen) has now decided to fund the project ProNano Phase 1 with additional funds of 4 million SEK for 2016 and 2017.
Pontus Linberg (regional conservative politician) put it in a context by saying: "The world class infrastructure of ESS and MAX IV currently being constructed in Lund has to be followed up by additional support for the foundation for business development and commercialization. ProNano will be the first bid establishment of infrastructure placed between MaxIV and ESS. ProNano will be targeting developing existing and new companies and is a natural and highly important part of the push for smart materials."
The Region of Skåne will except for financially supporting ProNano facilitate the process and connect the player on the nano materials and nano technology arena.
The recently published white paper can be downloaded here (in Swedish)
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