Showing posts with label Particle ALD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Particle ALD. Show all posts

Thursday, December 10, 2020

[PALD] SUMMIT Video Library is now available on demand - Enjoy!

The 2nd [PALD] Summit by Forge Nano is now happening. This is following the first very successful event earlier in 200 and Forge Nano is planning yet a 3rd event i summer 2021. More information will come in the near future.

Anyhow, the [PALD] SUMMIT Video Library is now available on demand - Enjoy!

------ [PALD] SUMMIT on Demand LINK ------

Presentation by BALD Engineering during the first [PALD] Summit

Horizontal high temperature rotating graphite drum furnace for ALD and LPCVD on particles and powders BALD Engineering AB: Jonas Sundqvist

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Forge Nano and Argonne improve yield in propylene manufacturing by ALD coating

Propylene, a precursor for commodity chemicals and plastics, is produced by propane dehydrogenation (PDH). In a PDH process, propane is selectively dehydrogenated to propylene. Production capacity via PDH is slated to grow rapidly over the next several years. The single feed/single product feature is one of the most attractive aspects of PDH, especially for propylene derivative producers looking to back-integrate for a secure and cost-effective source of propylene (IHS Markit Report LINK). 

Despite its simple chemistry, industrial implementation of PDH is very complicated owing to side reactions such as: 
  • deep dehydrogenation
  • hydrogenolysis
  • cracking
  • polymerization
  • coke formation.
According to a recent publication by Forge Nano and Argonne National Lab, an increase in PDH yield via added catalyst activity, lifetime, or selectivity represents significant energy and economic savings. 

The researchers has demonstrated that by using Pt dispersed on Al2O3 extrudate supports as a commercially relevant model system and by using atomic layer deposition (ALD) metal oxide overcoats, the metal-active sites can be tailored to increase PDH yield and selectivity. 

In the study they investigate the interplay of Pt loading, ALD overcoat thickness, and Al2O3 support surface area on PDH activity, selectivity, and catalyst stability. 

They were able to show that applying a 6–8 Å thick layer of Al2O3 on low-surface area Al2O3 supports of ∼90 m2/g surface area yields the optimal combination of stability and activity, while increasing propylene selectivity from 91 to 96%. Please find further details in the paper linked below.

Catalyst preparation method, Graphical abstract (

Atomic Layer Deposition Overcoating Improves Catalyst Selectivity and Longevity in Propane Dehydrogenation
Zheng Lu, Ryon W. Tracy, M. Leigh Abrams, Natalie L. Nicholls, Paul T. Barger, Tao Li, Peter C. Stair,
Arrelaine A. Dameron, Christopher P. Nicholas, and Christopher L. Marshall

ACS Catal. 2020, 10, XXX, 13957–13967
Publication Date:November 16, 2020

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Nano-Engineered Surfaces Unlock New Material Capabilities

Forge Nano launches new tools to enable nano-tech research, using Atomic Layer Deposition

Putting recent investments to work, Forge Nano Inc. launches new tool to enable Particle Atomic Layer Deposition (PALD) development. Billed as a "PhD Thesis in a box," the PANDORA tool is an easy to use, configurable DESKTOP research tool unlike anything else. 

PANDORA unlocks the potential of ATOMIC LEVEL surface engineering, in an impossibly compact form factor at an affordable price. PANDORA is built to exceed global and industrial standards, and comes with several configurations, including plasma. From energy storage materials to pharmaceutical research, PANDORA will help researchers develop revolutionary coatings across disciplines. More details are now available at:

Forge Nano specializes in optimizing the way surfaces interact at an ATOMIC level. Using proprietary technology, Forge Nano can apply nano coatings onto the surface of virtually anything. Now Forge Nano puts that power into the hands of researchers everywhere with an easy to use, configurable DESKTOP unit that can lead to materials innovations anywhere in the world.

"By designing the way surfaces interact, we can optimize their performance in many ways. We are truly manufacturing with atoms. The applications for ALD and PALD are nearly endless. By adding partners like Sumitomo Corporation of Americas and ALIAD (Air Liquide Venture Capital), we can develop and introduce new technologies like PANDORA to the market more efficiently. By enabling innovation with a community of active users, and collaborating in Commercialization programs, we provide a clear path to scalability." Dr. Paul Lichty- CEO Forge Nano.

Thursday, May 21, 2020


Forge Nano and over 20 speakers are ready for the First Annual PALD Summit LIVE May 21st, a FREE virtual event. Please sign in today for the LIVE Q&A schedule with all our speakers! Then come back and view the content until June 1st.


Monday, November 19, 2018

Forge Nano launch Prometheus series reactor for particle ALD R&D

Forge Nano has just recently launched a new ALD Particle reactor for R&D including a vast range of goodies:
  • 8 precursor lines (gas, liquid, and solid precursor)
  • multiple fluidization aids
  • vibrating fluidized bed reactor
  • high shear jet assist the negation of powder aggregation and improve mixing in the reactor
  • mass spectrometer (MKS shown in picture)
  • hardware and software for control and in situ analysis of ALD coating in real-time
  • and more
[From Forge Nano] Prometheus brought fire from the Gods to the masses. Forge Nano’s Prometheus R&D tool brings the power of particle ALD to the masses of corporate, academic, and national laboratory researchers interested in pushing the boundaries of high-performance materials through surface engineering. The Prometheus Series represents a significant step forward for R&D into the application of sub-nano to nanoscale coatings on powder volumes from milligram to kilogram samples.

Screen dump from Forge Nano (LINK)

The Prometheus Series was designed to help researchers accelerate their understanding of the coating design space between existing and novel precursors and various substrate materials. These systems accommodate up to 8 precursors, including basic delivery and low vapor pressure delivery draw systems to handle gas, liquid, and solid precursor recipes with consummate ease. Independently-heated zones throughout the system ensure optimal operating conditions for precursors and sensitive substrates.

This novel ALD R&D tool comes complete with multiple fluidization aids to ensure particles are adequately fluidized for uniform coatings. The vibrating fluidized bed reactor and high shear jet assist the negation of powder aggregation and improve mixing in the reactor. Highly controlled dosing is supported with high degrees of automation and automated process monitoring. The system is equipped with emergency stop logic to enable the ALD system to run continuously, safely, and autonomously. The user interface is also is intuitive and is easy to use for easy adoption. The Prometheus Series is the world’s most flexible ALD R&D tool, and it was engineered with the researcher in mind. It provides the most advanced hardware and software for control and in situ analysis of ALD coating in real-time.

More infromatione : LINK

Sunday, April 8, 2018

ALD on Porous Materials: Problems with Conventional Approaches to Catalyst and Fuel Cell Electrode Preparation

The last two years I have been conducting some ALD and CVD on powder and started to follow that literature segment. Here is a most recent paper (Open Access) with a lot of practical information for all of you hands-on ALD people to test in the lab (or the fab God forbid...).

Atomic Layer Deposition on Porous Materials: Problems with Conventional Approaches to Catalyst and Fuel Cell Electrode Preparation

Tzia Ming Onn 1, Rainer Küngas 2, Paolo Fornasiero 3, Kevin Huang 4 and Raymond J. Gorte
Inorganics 2018, 6(1), 34; doi:10.3390/inorganics6010034

Atomic layer deposition (ALD) offers exciting possibilities for controlling the structure and composition of surfaces on the atomic scale in heterogeneous catalysts and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) electrodes. However, while ALD procedures and equipment are well developed for applications involving flat surfaces, the conditions required for ALD in porous materials with a large surface area need to be very different. The materials (e.g., rare earths and other functional oxides) that are of interest for catalytic applications will also be different. For flat surfaces, rapid cycling, enabled by high carrier-gas flow rates, is necessary in order to rapidly grow thicker films. By contrast, ALD films in porous materials rarely need to be more than 1 nm thick. The elimination of diffusion gradients, efficient use of precursors, and ligand removal with less reactive precursors are the major factors that need to be controlled. In this review, criteria will be outlined for the successful use of ALD in porous materials. Examples of opportunities for using ALD to modify heterogeneous catalysts and SOFC electrodes will be given. View Full-Text 

Friday, December 22, 2017

ALD NanoSolutions Prepares particle coating CVR for Factory Installation

Here is some ALD news for Boulder Colorado just before the Holiday Season (teaken from their excellent e-mail News letter) - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the ALD experts in Boulder and elsewhere! 

  • ALD NanoSolutions Prepares CVR for Factory Installation
  • ALD Nano’s Coated Materials were on the International Space StationInternational
  • Organization for Standardization (ISO) Compliance for ALD-Coated Commercial Powders 
As reported in a previous edition of the ALD NanoSolutions Enews (see ALD Nano Enews: Vol. 2, Issue 3), the company announced commercial-scale validation of its continuous ALD reactor system equipment for particles. 

ALD NanoSolutions Prepares CVR for Factory Installation

As reported in a previous edition of the ALD NanoSolutions Enews (see ALD Nano Enews: Vol. 2, Issue 3), the company announced commercial-scale validation of its continuous ALD reactor system equipment for particles. The key aspects of that article are in italics below:

The scientific, process development and engineering teams at ALD Nano have spent considerable resources over the past few years rapidly developing this first-of-its-kind technology from research scale, bench-top to the current commercial-scale systems. A continuous vibrating reactor, or CVR, provides ALD coating capacity of more than three tons per day and 1,200 tons per year of particle materials. These techniques gained from equipment development open up new pathways for ALD Nano's growth. The CVR is a spatial ALD reactor system and can also be utilized for MLD techniques, run at atmospheric or pressurized conditions, and fitted with various features such as plasma.

The company is scheduled to install the first of its CVR reactor systems, second-generation design, in a commercial advanced materials coating production facility in the US in Q1 2018. An important milestone to compliment this type of state-of-the-art progress at the ALD Nano facility in Broomfield, Colorado. Additional CVR reactor systems are to be installed in other commercial materials production facilities over the next few years. Let us know if you have an ALD coating need for advanced materials that requires this level of scale.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

ALD Nano today announced Wayne Simmons as CEO

ALD Nano today announced that its Board of Directors has appointed Wayne Simmons as Chief Executive Officer effective September 2017. Dr. Simmons was also elected to the Board of Directors. He will replace Founding CEO, Mike Masterson, who will assume the role of Executive Chairman with an added advisory role for key markets and will continue to serve as Chairman of ALD Nano's Board. The company has also announced that Joe Spencer was elevated to Vice President of Engineering and that its employee base continues to expand with new hires in areas including engineering, science and business development.
“This is the right time for Wayne Simmons to become ALD Nano's next CEO. We've selected a successful leader at a time when ALD Nano’s global leadership in ALD on particles is growing in existing and new markets ,” said ALD Nano Chairman Mike Masterson. “I joined ALD Nano because I wanted to be a part of a company that is solving important challenges for advanced materials that are transforming industries," said Wayne Simmons. “This company has built over a decade of ALD expertise with all of its business and scientific founders still active. Together, additional expertise has been added over the years that creates a wealth of institutional ALD knowledge to deploy into commercial markets."
Full story and Source: ALD Nanosulution Newsletter LINK
About ALD Nano: Principally located in Broomfield CO, ALD NanoSolutions was spun out in 2001 from premier atomic layer deposition (ALD) laboratories at the University of Colorado to industrialize ALD applications. We use our patented Particle ALD TM technology to improve a number of products including battery and lighting materials. Through our efforts, we have engineered new processes and tools that we support and sell from lab to production scale. We are also integrating our Polymer ALD TM technology into an advanced manufacturing system to bring low cost barriers to the packaging industry. Our principle objective is to leverage our expertise to help our customers develop successful commercial products. We are a dynamic and flexible company with a long history of successful relationships with clients ranging from venture-backed startups to Fortune 50 corporations.

Friday, September 8, 2017

ALD Enabled Battery Materials, Methods and Products IP Roll-up by Forge Nano

Forge Nano is pleased to announce the completion of its Intellectual Property roll-up initiative for Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) enabled battery materials, methods of manufacturing, and products.

Through a series of patent filings, acquisitions, and licenses, Forge Nano is pleased to offer its customers and partners a comprehensive IP portfolio to incorporate the benefits of ALD surface modification coatings into battery products for enhanced safety, lifetime and end-use performance. Forge Nano is currently accepting licensing offers for this portfolio, with the anticipation of closing on a first round of field-limited agreements by the end of 2017. 

The cornerstone of Forge Nano’s ALD-enabled battery materials IP protects lithium-containing cathode and anode materials with coatings of up to two nanometers in thickness (US 9,570,734):

Claim 1: An electrode comprising a plurality of particles having a diameter of maximally 60 μm, wherein the particles are coated with a protective layer having a uniform thickness of about 2 nm or less, wherein the protective layer of the particles is obtained by atomic layer deposition, and wherein the particles are lithium-containing particles.

Sunday, July 9, 2017

Argonne National Laboratory’s Continuous ALD Technology Licensed Exclusively to Forge Nano

LOUISVILLE, Colorado July 7, 2017: Argonne National Laboratory has entered into an exclusive license agreement with Forge Nano to commercialize Argonne’s patented system and method for continuous atomic layer deposition. This license enhances Forge Nano’s ability to offer and protect key intellectual property rights for its customers across an even broader array of strategic markets.

Forge Nano’s innovative manufacturing systems are industrializing the Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) process by offering a unique value proposition toward upgrading material performance for wide-ranging applications. ALD is a process that deposits a uniform and ultrathin encapsulating coating around any material. The process can used to upgrade many materials, such as powders utilized in energy storage applications (lithium-ion batteries, fuel cells, ultracapacitors, etc.), as well as many non-energy applications as well. ALD allows for coating thicknesses down to Angstroms (1/100,000th the thickness of a human hair). Such control allows for the application of coatings that are thick enough to eliminate unwanted reactions that cause degradation within energy storage systems or moisture-sensitive materials, yet thin enough to not adversely affect desirable material properties. ALD coatings are by far the most compelling coating solution for eliminating capacity fade and enabling higher overall performance and safety in batteries. ALD is a process that has existed for decades with hundreds of publications demonstrating its capability as a process to improve material properties for a wide variety of applications. However, due to a lack of manufacturing innovation, it has remained a lab-scale process utilized primarily by academics. Forge Nano has developed, patented and successfully demonstrated a high-throughput process for applying ALD, which reduces the overall cost of energy storage devices while improving their performance and safety.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Forge Nano & NREL agreement on ALD Encapsulattion for lithium-ion battery safety, durability, and lifetime

Press Release: The U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) has entered into an exclusive license agreement with Forge Nano to commercialize NREL's patented battery materials and systems capable of operating safely in high-stress environments. A particular feature of the technology is the encapsulation of materials with solid electrolyte coatings that can be designed to meet the increasingly demanding needs of any battery application. 
These lithium-ion batteries feature a hybrid solid-liquid electrolyte system, in which the electrodes are coated with a solid electrolyte layer. This layer minimizes the potential for the formation of an internal short circuit between electrodes to prevent "thermal runaway," or the uncontrolled increase in battery cell temperature that can result in a fire or an explosion.
In addition, coating of the electrode materials reduces the stress on traditional polymer separators that are currently necessary components in commercial lithium-ion batteries and can allow for thinner separators designed for higher power devices. This advancement has the potential to reduce both the cost and weight of the battery device, while substantially increasing safety and lifetime. 

Friday, May 5, 2017

A new cool ALD particle coating machine with a vibrating fluidized bed reactor (FBR) by Beneq

Here is a new cool ALD particle coating machine with a vibrating fluidized bed reactor (FBR) by Beneq. Check out the details on the Beneq Blog (LINK)

Watch the Beneq TFS 200 and FBR fluidization process in action in this sand fluidization clip below (embedded from, LINK).

Schematic overview (

Friday, March 31, 2017

Forge Nano scaling up ALD on particles to metric tons level

ALD on particles and powder is a very promising next thing to shoot ahead in ALD. While many are focusing on flexible OLED barriers an backside solar cell passivation I am betting ALD on powder will take over some day - there is just much more surface area powder being shipped than windows, panels & displays (I think...) and those are flat while particles are 3D with high surface area -typical ALD arguments.

According to a recent newsletter from the Forge Nano, formerly known as PneumatiCoat Technologies, they have raised $20 million in Series A Funding. This has allowed them to move into a new 12,000 square foot facility in Louisville Colorado and scale up their 200 kg / day pilot plant to a new 1000 kg / day Semi-Continuous ALD particle coating tool.

As if that´s not amazing enough - they report to be on schedule to complete a next generation tool to a capacity to several tons per day.  

Please also do check out these fresh new US Patents and some of the cited publications :

US9,546,424 (ALD Semi-Continuous Particle Coating Process)
US9,284,643 (ALD Semi-Continuous Particle Coating Apparatus)

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

ALD NanoSolutions - The ALD Spinoff company

I think that many as me have followed the innovative ALD developments from CU Bolder and Prof. S. M. George´s group through the years with excitement. Many discoveries have over time led to actual deployment in industrial high volume manufacturing using the processes, precursors and technologies form his group. I would like to especially mention the work on Tungsten ALD and catalytic SiO2 ALD that were very hot in the DRAM industry when ALD was introduced in production 2004 and onward. Catalytic  SiO2 ALD was actually one of the early candidates as a conformal liner for the first versions of double pattering. Now S.M. George is leading the development in new groundbreaking work on Atomic Layer Etching (ALE) and I am sure that some of those discoveries are heading to high volume manufacturing of leading edge Logic and Memory devices as well. It will be very exciting to learn the latest in this field when ALE 2017 comes to Denver Colorado this summer, co-chaired by S.M. George and Keren Kanarik from Lam Research.

ALD NanoSolutions - The ALD Spinoff company

Early 2000 a new company was spun out from CU Boulder and here is the story about ALD NanoSolutions. ALD NanoSolutions was spun out in 2001 from premier atomic layer deposition (ALD) laboratories at the University of Colorado to industrialize ALD applications "In 1997, Professor Alan Weimer of chemical and biological engineering heard a campus talk by Professor Steven George of chemistry about a novel process of coating surfaces with the thinnest of materials possible, known as atomic layer deposition (ALD)."

Left to right: Professor Alan Weimer, CU Boulder alum Karen Buechler, CU Boulder alum Mike Masterson and Professor Steve George are at ALD NanoSolutions in Broomfield, Colorado. (photo provided by ALD NanoSolutions)

“One of the things Steve talked about was putting an extremely thin film coating on a flat piece of metal as part of a research project for the U.S. Navy looking for ways to better protect the hulls of ships,” explains Weimer, an expert in fine particle processing. “We talked afterward and eventually decided to team up on the research.”

Starting up a start-up

Within a few years Weimer and George had filed a number of patents on the technology, gaining exclusive rights to a wide range of intellectual property. When the CU Technology Transfer Office strongly hinted it would be a good move to start a spin-off company, Weimer and George sought out CU Boulder postdoctoral researcher Karen Buechler, who was working in Weimer’s lab at the time.

A picture from the ALD NanoSolutions ALD factory floor and laboratories in Broomfield, Colorado. (photo provided by ALD NanoSolutions). Some of you may recognize Daniel Higgs Product Development Manager at ALD NanoSolutions in the background.

“They told me they knew I was looking for a job, and they needed someone who has the energy to pursue this outside of the university,” she recalls. “So I said I would do it. But we still needed someone who had experience running a business, which none of us had.” No problem. Weimer called Mike Masterson, his former graduate school office mate at CU Boulder in chemical engineering. Masterson, who was embarking on a career in Boston as a venture capitalist, became the first and only CEO of ALD NanoSolutions (ALD Nano). “In a weak moment I said ‘Sure, I’ll do that,’” Masterson recalls with a laugh. ALD Nano was now officially rolling with its four CU Boulder co-founders. “When you start a company, there are a lot of things you can’t control, and there is a lot of luck involved,” says Masterson, who has started eight high-tech companies. “You really can’t control the markets and you can’t control the global economic environment. But one thing you can control is who you get into business with. With Al, Steve and Karen, I knew I was going to be working with honest, smart and very dedicated people.”

Since the the company has grown and is today well known in the ALD industry for their ALD on particle technologies and patent portfolio (LINK) as well as ALD on flexible polymer. Here is the story about how ALD NanoSolutions at CU Boulder, USA was formed as a spinoff 2001.

After talking to Joe Spencer (Director of Operations) some time ago he informed me that they have pilot units in the field and current version can handle 200 kg/day and this year they will scale up to 1000 kg/day - ALD NanoSolutions Particle ALD has broken the barriers for high volume manufacturing!
In 2016 the company has expanded its portfolio of high-value IP, deepened engagements with customers, doubled the manufacturing space, and added new reactors to increase production capacity at Colorado HQ. Please check this Press Release for the most recent business success of this exciting ALD Company steaming ahead especially in ALD deployment for Lithium-Ion Batteries and LED Lighting: LINK

This text has been adopted to fit the BALD blog format, The Original Article : Spinoff company is all in the CU Boulder family

Saturday, February 4, 2017

New Japanese ALD Desktop machine for particle ALD

Here is a new cool japanese ALD machine fro coating on particles and powder. Please visit SUGA for more information here: [In Japanese]

 Rotating and vibrating ALD particle chamber from SUGA [Photo frpm SUGA]

Desktop type ALD device SAL 1000 B (for powder) Promotion Video 

Friday, November 4, 2016

ALD NanoSolutions Reports Banner Year as Its ALD Technology Helps Fast-Track Advanced Materials From Concept to Commercialization

BROOMFIELD, Colorado – Nov. 4, 2016 – Today, ALD NanoSolutions (ALD Nano), the pioneer and market leader in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) technology on particles, reported a banner year on multiple fronts. The company partners with leading global materials companies to commercialize ALD advanced materials that significantly improve the performance, safety and other characteristics of end products in industries like lighting, batteries, sensors, life sciences and catalysts. 2016 highlights include new patents, deeper customer engagements, expanded manufacturing space, and new reactors to increase production capacity. The momentum illustrates how ALD Nano is harnessing the immense near-term market opportunities for its proprietary ALD technologies outside of ALD’s traditional deployment in the semiconductor industry. 

Leading with Differentiated Intellectual Property (IP)
Major 2016 milestones reinforced ALD Nano’s pioneering development and leadership in ALD for control of surface properties at the atomic level for unique functionality of particles and other materials. The company obtained new patents, including some from the University of Colorado Boulder (CU Boulder), its R&D partner since inception. This brings ALD Nano’s total patent holdings to 28 issued and 14 pending. The new IP heightens the market value and cost-effective use of its “Particle ALD” and “Polymer ALD” to create advanced materials. 

An important new patent1 covers an ALD method to deposit inorganic films on organic polymer surfaces. For industries like OLED displays and lithium-ion batteries, the innovation promises breakthrough benefits that could displace other technologies. The Polymer ALD technology could better protect battery electrode separators from overheating and enable next-generation life-science tools, among other applications. 

Another new patent2 is for Particle ALD use with super capacitor electrodes, and an in-license3 from CU Boulder for additional applications of ALD for batteries. Together, they strengthen the company’s position in the energy storage market. A further patent4 covers the use of an ALD method to apply a ceramic coating to implantable medical devices. This expands ALD Nano’s position in the life sciences industry. The company also filed a patent5 internationally for its revolutionary Particle ALD continuous flow reactor system. This allows for large-scale, cost-effective Particle ALD advanced materials production.

Enabling Innovation for Manufacturers of Lithium-Ion Batteries and LED Lighting
A standout 2016 highlight was the first commercial application of Particle ALD for Cathode Active Materials (CAMs) used to produce lithium-ion batteries. The breakthrough was achieved thanks to CU Boulder’s extensive R&D and ALD Nano’s proprietary and robust IP portfolio, coupled with the company’s strategic partnership with a leading battery materials company. Particle ALD is the most effective surface modification method available for CAMs. The ALD-enabled CAMs will dramatically improve performance, extend cycle life and enhance the safety of batteries for use in consumer electronics, electric vehicles and grid storage.

Also in 2016, the company began commercial production of Particle ALD phosphors for a Fortune Global 500 customer, following a multi-year collaboration. The ALD advanced material significantly extends the brightness lifetime for LED lights, while using a fraction of the coating material required for other deposition methods.

Expanding Infrastructure to Address Growing Demand for ALD Solutions
With its accumulating IP, ALD Nano is expanding and deepening engagements with customers. To support the momentum, the company doubled manufacturing space at its headquarters in Colorado, and added new reactors to increase production capacity. Headcount has also grown in the last 12 months.

CEO Mike Masterson called 2016 a transformative year for ALD Nano: “Our growth this year coincides with the consistently superior performance of our ALD technology in many markets. This validates our early vision and is now guiding our execution strategy to create ALD advanced materials in partnership with leading sales channel partners and customers. We’ll enter 2017 firmly positioned with differentiated technology and expertise to help such companies achieve their technology and cost-of-production goals. Our growth is a tribute to the steady efforts of our team, and the extraordinary innovation contributed by each individual.”

New ALD Nano Patents
1 US Patent 9,376,750
2 US Patent 9,406,449
3 US Patent 9,196,901
4 US Patent 9,279,120
5 US Application 62/175,964

About ALD
ALD is the sequential vapor phase material deposition method that forms chemically bonded, high-purity, conformal, ultra-thin films of controlled nanometer thickness. ALD generates less waste than other deposition techniques such as chemical vapor deposition, giving customers a sustainable and cost-of-ownership edge, while helping to reduce overall costs. The atomic level precision of ALD on particles, polymers and other substrates enables new or better applications of materials resulting in ALD advanced material solutions. Devices such as consumer electronics are getting smaller and more complex, requiring novel materials to solve critical issues for marketplace adoption.

About ALD NanoSolutions
ALD NanoSolutions (ALD Nano) is creating cost-effective advanced materials that are transforming industries such as lighting, energy storage, consumer electronics, life sciences, fuel catalysts, water purification, sensors, and more. We’re the leader in Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) technology on particles, with broad IP covering polymers and MEMS, as well. We partner with world-leading companies that leverage our material designs and reactor systems to innovate products that benefit consumers globally. For more than a decade, we have commercialized innovative ALD technologies developed internally and through research conducted at the University of Colorado Boulder. We’re headquartered in Broomfield, Colorado.

Company Contact: Mike Masterson;
Media Contact: Jane Evans-Ryan; Genuity PR;

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

NRL Reveals Novel Uniform Coating Process of p-ALD

Scientists at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) have devised a clever combination of materials - when used during the thin-film growth process - to reveal that particle atomic layer deposition, or p-ALD, deposits a uniform nanometer-thick shell on core particles regardless of core size, a discovery having significant impacts for many applications since most large scale powder production techniques form powder batches that are made up of a range of particles sizes. 

Artistic depiction of prior understanding of p-ALD (left) and new understanding of p-ALD (right) gained by NRL’s work, as well as implications for proactive applications using particle atomic layer deposition, which as UV, are captured in solar cells and abrasion resistance paints.
(U.S. Naval Research Laboratory) - See more at:

Artistic depiction of prior understanding of p-ALD (left) and new understanding of p-ALD (right) gained by NRL’s work, as well as implications for proactive applications using particle atomic layer deposition, which as UV, are captured in solar cells and abrasion resistance paints. (U.S. Naval Research Laboratory)


- See more at:

The original journal publication in JVSTA is given below as an abstract.

Growth per cycle of alumina atomic layer deposition on nano- and micro-powders

    Kedar Manandhar1,a), James A. Wollmershauser2, Janice E. Boercker2 and Boris N. Feigelson2,a)
    + View Affiliations
    a) Present address: Electronic Science and Technology Division, Naval Research Laboratory, 4555 Overlook Avenue SW, Washington DC 20375, USA. Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed; electronic addresses:;
    J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 34, 021519 (2016);
    Core–shell powders consisting of a tungsten particle core and thin alumina shell have been synthesized using atomic layer deposition in a rotary reactor. Standard atomic layer deposition of trimethylaluminum/water at 150 °C utilizing a microdosing technique was performed on four different batches of powder with different average particle sizes. The particle size of the powders studied ranges from ∼25 to 1500 nm. The high mass-thickness contrast between alumina and tungsten in transmission electron microscopy images demonstrates that the particle core/shell interface is abrupt. This allows for the uncomplicated measurement of alumina thickness and therefore the accurate determination of growth per cycle. In agreement with prior works, the highest growth per cycle of ∼2 Å/cycle occurred on the batch of powder with the smallest average particle size and the growth per cycle decreased with increasing average particle size of a powder batch. However, the growth per cycle of the alumina film on an individual particle in a batch is shown to be independent of the size of an individual particle, and therefore, a powder batch which consists of particles size spanning orders of magnitude has constant shell thickness on all particles. This uniformity of thickness on different particle sizes in a particular batch is determined to be due to the difficulty of removing residual water molecules from the powder during the purging cycle of the atomic layer deposition(ALD) process. Therefore, rotary ALD on a single batch of powder with wide particle size distribution provides the same shell thickness regardless of individual particle size, which may have positive implications for particle ALD applications where the shell thickness determines critical parameters, such as particle passivation and manipulation of optical properties. 

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

PneumatiCoat completes DOE Project for a Battery Pilot Plant and recieves US Navy funding

Battery cathode materials with improved safety and performance. Picoshield® coatings provide improvements on many of the most common Li-ion cathode materials used today. As the leader in ALD battery materials PneumatiCoat (PCT) can attain cutting edge performance out of existing battery materials, both cathode and anode. 

Recently has had success in finalizing and receiving additional DOE funded projects as reported here:

PCT Presenting at DOE Annual Merit Review in Arlington, VA

June 2015 - PCT is presenting the most recent results from our DOE Phase II project. With the completion of our pilot plant, large format Picoshield® battery cells are built and producing excellent data. The results expand on the positive work conducted during the Phase I by proving out the quality, consistency, and throughput achievable using our high throughput system. The Annual Merit Review showcases DOE funded research in the fields of hydrogen, fuel cells, and vehicle technologies.

PCT Awarded NAVY SBIR Phase I for "Long Lasting, Highly Efficient, and Safe Batteries for Sensor Systems"

June 2015 - Pneumaticoat Technologies has been awarded a DOD Phase I SBIR from the Navy to develop improved batteries for sensor systems. This work will focus on improving the overall safety of the battery systems and improving the lifetime performance of critical, battery operated, sensors. Picoshield® coatings will play a crucial role in improving battery performance.
More informsation can be found here: 

By incorporating well established manufacturing principles (continuous vs. batch, variable throughput vs. fixed throughput, etc.), PneumatiCoat Technologies has developed an efficient and cheap process for precise coating of powders, flats, and objects. Thanks to our innovative process design and system building know-how, Pneumaticoat Technologies is pushing the boundaries of ALD for manufacturing. With our technology, the days of ALD being too slow and too expensive are over. With high throughput manufacturing capabilities, at inexpensive price points, a great majority of the application technologies that were "put on the shelf" can now be reconsidered as viable commercial products. Combined with the exponential growth in application R&D, PneumatiCoat Technologies' systems are well-poised to help usher in a new wave of customized products to market. (