Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Postdoctoral Associate / Young Investigator (m/f/d) Atomic Layer Deposition / Etching for Functional Nanostructured Materials

The Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden – in short IFW Dresden – is a non-university research institute and a member of the Leibniz Association. The IFW employs approximately 600 people and one focus is on the training of young scientists besides enhancing fundamental and applied research development. At the highest international level, the IFW operates modern materials science on a scientific basis and makes the obtained results useful for the economy. The complex and interdisciplinary research work is carried out within the IFW by five scientific institutes, which are sup-ported by a highly developed technical infrastructure. The IFW supports its employees in reconciling work and family life and regularly submits to the berufundfamilie® audit.

Further information at: http://www.ifw-dresden.de

Postdoctoral Associate / Young Investigator (m/f/d)

Atomic Layer Deposition / Etching for Functional Nanostructured Materials

We are searching for a young investigator at the Institute for Metallic Materials (IMW) at the IFW Dresden focusing on the application of atomic layer deposition/etching (ALD/ALE) for the development of novel nanostructured materials and their device applications. In the future she or he should give significant contributions at least to one of the following research activities by engaging the recently established ALD laboratories e.g.: (a) layered/quantum materials and devices (b) thermoelectric materials or (c) magnetic and ferroic materials (nanograined bulk and thin films).

Your profile:

We are considering applicants, who have a profound knowledge in the development of ALD/ALE pro-cesses, applications of ALD/ALE related processes for nanostructured materials and MEMS devices or interface chemistry in general, as well as a PhD in the field of chemistry, chemical or electrical engineer-ing or materials science. It is also advantageous for the applicant to have additional research experience outside of Germany or in industry.

Job description:

The young investigator might potentially work on one of the following ALD related technologies and processes in order to expand the research profile of the Institute for Metallic Materials (IMW):

• Area selected ALD processes
• (Thermal) Atomic Layer Etching
• ALD coating of nanoparticles and porous material
• In-situ characterization and Modeling of ALD processes.
• Development of layered materials and devices
• Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials based on ALD

The salary will be based upon the TV-L rules (TV-L E13, 100 %). The first contract will be limited to 3 years (Science Employment Law), in which the young scientist shall establish her/his own research actives, apply for additional third-party funded projects and contribute to research initiatives at the IFW. In case of a successful evaluation showing significant publications as well as a third party funded project the young investigator will be upgraded to a junior research leader including the contract extension by up to 3 years. In this second phase, the focus will be on the further qualification of the junior group leader, which might lead to the habilitation and/or to the successful acquisition of an ERC Starting Grant or a comparable project.

The institute is keen to foster the professional equality of women and men, and thus welcomes applica-tions from qualified women. Disabled applicants will be preferably considered given the same qualifica-tion.

The most promising candidates will be invited to a selection workshop at the IFW Dresden, which is scheduled for the 18 of December 2018. If you have further questions on the position and the ALD lab please contact: Prof. Kornelius Nielsch (K.Nielsch@ifw-dresden.de) or Dr. Andy Thomas, head of the ALD Lab (a.thomas@ifw-dresden.de).

The application for this position should include a cover letter, the CV, copies of the master and PhD certificates and a complete list of publications with the selection of 3 highlight publications (or the Ph.D. thesis). Additionally, a concept on the planned research activities should be included (2- 4 pages)

Please send your application documents citing the reference number P127-1/18 as a single pdf-file not later than 25 of October 2018 exclusively to: bewerbung@ifw-dresden.de


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