For the 3rd time ALD Lab Dresden organised The ALD Lab Dresden Symposium at SEMICON Europa - this time in Grenoble, France. Our workshop, wants to stimulate discussions between developers of tools, consumables, as well as applicants of this exciting technology. Here are some pictures from the event.
Prof. Johan W. Bartha, Institut für Halbleiter- und Mikrosystemtechnik, TU Dresden, Germany introduces ALD Lab Dresden to the audiance and opens the Symposium with a talk on “Fundamental insight into ALD processing by in-situ observation”
Malte Czernohorsky, Fraunhofer IPMS-CNT, Dresden, Germany presenting results from the EU PICS Project "Development of innovative ALD materials and tools for high density 3D integrated capacitors"
Mickael Gros-Jean, ST Microelectronics, Grenoble, France giving a talk on "High permittivity dielectrics for CMOS FDSOI Gate first technologiess"
Stefan E. Schulz, Fraunhofer ENAS, Chenitz, Germany getting ready to give his talk on "ALD of Metals and Metal Oxides for Advanced Interconnect and Sensor Technology: In-Situ Investigations for the ALD of Copper"
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