Saturday, November 2, 2019

As of today BALD Engineering is primarily using the Ecosia search engine

As of today BALD Engineering is primarily using the Ecosia search engine ( per default for research producing this blog and other activities, both on Laptops and mobile.

Ecosia still have some weaknesses but have included a link to Google that you can klick for more advanced seraches when needed.

Ecosia supports over 20 tree-planting projects in 15 different countries; Peru, Brazil, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Haiti, Colombia, Spain, Morocco, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Indonesia. Until today  teh Ecosia users have contributed to the planting of >70 milion trees.

Until today afternoon 1 tree has been planeted (1 tree / 45 searches) - I expect to make another one!

Besides this, the BALD Engineering Head Quarter project "Tropical Garden" is steaming ahead as well. Currently the office is powered by 200 W solar cells providing 24 h light for the office plants and additional heating as well. Next additional insulation and the addition of a 600 W Windpower plant and maybe some pre solar panels should possibly make the office totally of grid.

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