Showing posts with label BALD Engineering. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BALD Engineering. Show all posts

Saturday, November 2, 2019

As of today BALD Engineering is primarily using the Ecosia search engine

As of today BALD Engineering is primarily using the Ecosia search engine ( per default for research producing this blog and other activities, both on Laptops and mobile.

Ecosia still have some weaknesses but have included a link to Google that you can klick for more advanced seraches when needed.

Ecosia supports over 20 tree-planting projects in 15 different countries; Peru, Brazil, Madagascar, Nicaragua, Haiti, Colombia, Spain, Morocco, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Indonesia. Until today  teh Ecosia users have contributed to the planting of >70 milion trees.

Until today afternoon 1 tree has been planeted (1 tree / 45 searches) - I expect to make another one!

Besides this, the BALD Engineering Head Quarter project "Tropical Garden" is steaming ahead as well. Currently the office is powered by 200 W solar cells providing 24 h light for the office plants and additional heating as well. Next additional insulation and the addition of a 600 W Windpower plant and maybe some pre solar panels should possibly make the office totally of grid.