Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Spatial atomic layer depos­ition system FHR.Star.400x300-SALD delivered

FHR (Press Release) has suc­cess­fully delivered the FHR.Star.400x300-SALD. This is FHR’s first machine using spa­tial atomic layer depos­ition (spa­tial ALD). The sys­tem is cap­able of depos­it­ing films on both 200 mm wafers and tex­tiles or other 3D sub­strates of up to 400 x 300 x 10 mm³.

Spa­tial ALD allows for high speed and highly con­formal coat­ings on flat as well as micro-struc­tured sur­faces. Applic­a­tions are dielec­tric lay­ers for anti-reflect­ive coat­ings on lenses as well as coat­ings for elec­trical insu­la­tion or pro­tec­tion against mois­ture or oxy­gen applied to energy sys­tems, med­ical devices or func­tion­al­ized tex­tiles.

In its base con­fig­ur­a­tion, the FHR.Star.400x300-SALD is made for thermal ALD on up to eight wafers or four 3D sub­strates in par­al­lel. For Al2O3 on wafers, depos­ition rates of 5-10 nm/​min and thick­ness non-uni­form­it­ies <± 2.0% have been reached. A large blind flange allows to add other thin film tech­no­lo­gies or plasma treat­ment and the machine is already pre­pared to for in-situ ellip­so­metry and trans­mis­sion spec­tro­scopy for improved pro­cess con­trol. To fur­ther increase the pro­ductiv­ity, the FHR.Star.400x300-SALD can be included in a cluster setup with a cent­ral hand­ling robot cham­ber, load locks, pre-treat­ment cham­bers or other pro­cess cham­bers.

FHR, Marian Böh­ling (CSO): „ALD coat­ing tech­no­logy is val­ued for its unique con­form­al­ity and pre­ci­sion even on 3D sub­strates but claimed to be slow and there­fore often ignored. Our FHR.Star.400x300-SALD refutes this claim impress­ively and makes ALD avail­able as an excit­ing and prom­ising thin film tech­no­logy for a wide range of indus­trial applic­a­tions. Installed at a world-class thin film research insti­tute, this FHR.Star.400x300-SALD offers a low-threshold access for every­body inter­ested in using ALD for own products.“

FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH - The Thin Film Com­pany was foun­ded in 1991 and offers tailor-made vacuum coat­ing sys­tems and sput­ter­ing tar­gets as well as coat­ing and equip­ment ser­vice from a single source.

The close cooper­a­tion with our cus­tom­ers starts with the pro­cess devel­op­ment and con­tin­ues with the devel­op­ment of pilot scale up to mass pro­duc­tion. Our port­fo­lio integ­rates the tech­no­lo­gies sput­ter­ing, evap­or­a­tion, PECVD and ALD into the equip­ment types cluster, inline, roll-to-roll and batch. Based in Ger­many and with sys­tems installed world­wide in vari­ous indus­tries such as semi­con­duct­ors, MEMS, elec­tron­ics, sensor tech­no­logy, optics, photo­vol­ta­ics, etc., we will jointly find vacuum coat­ing solu­tion for our cus­tom­ers.

FHR Anla­gen­bau GmbH
Mar­ket­ing & Com­mu­nic­a­tion
Phone: +49 35205 520-0
E-mail: mar­ket­ing@fhr.de

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